Mobile/Portable Log Books

Thanks for the info Ken, I’ll get a few, if not at Newark, then next opportunity.

Hi Steve
Perhaps I should have said dry weather books HI.
Cheers Ken

So far have been using el cheapo 210x150mm writing pads bought at a supermarket which are a nice size for portable work.
To date have not been heavily rained upon and they have held together. Its nice to mull over past events, still have some logbooks from my qrp radio bushwalking days.
Its amazing how one can forget places visited 20 or more years ago.

I regard the paper record far more enduring than some electronic device which would only be around for a few years before it becomes obsolete.

Agree those waterproof notebooks are the thing though and have a geologists field pad tucked away in case there is a activation pending in bad weather.

Cheers, Nick