Merchandise - Interest In Offering A SOTA Hat For Sale?

Dear Barry,
I’ve just ordered a winter ski type hat and made the bank transfer to the informed account number.
However, along the ordering process I’ve never been asked to provide my name and delivery address, so I wonder how will you be able to know that such payment comes from me and where to send me the hat once the money gets to Summits on the Air bank account.
I wanted to send you a private message but I’ve been unable to find the way to do it and I don’t wanted to forget it, so here it goes, fully open to all public.
Best 73 de Guru - EA2IF

If you click on the Avatar to the left of someone’s post a box pops up.

where you will see the words Private Message in the top right corner. Click that and you can send the person a private message.

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My order arrived this past week. The shirt is great, and the outback hat is outstanding. Was a bit worried about the hat fitting, since I have a head like a bull, but the adjustment is spot on. Who would have thought of something like that, these Englishmen sure are clever people. :smile:

I didn’t realise the hats came with holes for the horns to poke through! :smile:

No horns, or even much hair for that matter. In 1884 the historian JB Beers wrote about the founder of my town; “Colonel Edwards, as the old settlers affirm, had a remarkably large head, and to children unaccustomed to him, was a source of fright." It leads me to believe there may be something in the water around here. :smile:

Only some.

Just received mine and, magic! it fits my small head too!
Thanks Barry

Hi everyone

Just thought I’d post this pic taken today on my activation of GW/MW-001 Plynlimon-Pen Pumplumon Fawr. The model may be a bit haggard but the headgear is superb. It was blowing a gale with a minus chill factor but my head was lovely and warm and the cap stayed firmly on my head :slight_smile:

Well done Barry GM4TOE on choosing an exceptionally high quality cap with it’s Thinsulate lining. Highly recommended. Testing it again tomorrow :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the contacts today.

73 Allan GW4VPX



I have responded to you by private message and by email. Would you please check these and respond to me directly to my email address gm4toe"at"

When I first broached the subject of a SOTA badged hat I only had a Baseball Cap in mind. Then interest was expressed in Beanies and Outback Bush Hats. After I saw the photos, I agree those were quite good choices. But I decided I wanted an Olive Bush Hat, for which the availability was initially delayed.

I kept checking back and today was rewarded to see an in stock quantity for the Olive Bush Hat. I think I have now placed the very first order for that color, along with some Black Beanies and some SOTA Travel mugs. The online quantities had already been updated when I looked.

Thanks to everyone that makes all this work so well for us.

Glenn -AB3TQ

I’m prepared to selflessly drink bottles of red wine with corks and donate the corks if it helps? :wink: