International SOTA Weekend

Hi All,

I’m glad to announce that a few operators based in the Rhône-Alpes region have built a special team for the International SOTA week-end.
This team will use the special callsign “TM5OTA” from F/AB-379, “Le Moucherotte” (1901m, JN25TD), near Grenoble on May, 2nd only.
TM5OTA should be QRV from 9am CEST on 40m, 20m, 6m, 2m, and 70cm. We’re also currently trying to find a portable 23cm station.

A special website has been setup to deliver real-time information about this event :

We hope to hear you next May, 2nd !

73 de F5RHY and whole TM5OTA team.

Thomas and I are planning an overnight activation on this weekend involving

LD-018 2/5/9
LD-011 2/5/9

LD-011 3/5/9
LD-018 3/5/9
LD-017 3/5/9

See the alerts for details. We may even fit in another on the Saturday prior to LD-018. All times approximate for now. Will confirm closer to the time and on the day.



In reply to M1EYP:

Is anyone planning to activate from any of the following “lesser
spotted” associations?

OD, W2, GI, GD, EI, PA, HB0, SP, SM, LA, OH, OE, ZS

I hope to be active on at least one day, probably on Croob MM-010.

2m & 70cm SSB & FM


In reply to M1EYP:
Yes…W2 should be on the air sometime during the event. I just don’t know what hill or when just yet.

There are several prospective hills that have been preliminarily approved for addition to the W2 zone, and are just awaiting numbers and inclusion in the manual. Depending on if they are added in time for the event I may activate one of those new hills or may try something more ambitious like an overnight in the southern Adirondacks…perhaps Wakely Mtn. Other possibilities include getting permission to camp at one of the hills that is closer to me.

In America we do not have “every man’s right”. Unlike some European countries, to camp on private land requires permission from the land’s owner and camping on public land must be specifically allowed by the park or preserve…in the US we cannot just assume camping in a park is allowed.

In New York State the Adirondack park has special status and camping is generally allowed there…most of the W2/GA peaks fall within the Adirondack park. Camping is forbidden on almost every peak closer to my QTH. I live in an area that is still pretty densly populated, which means that camping in nearby parks is the exception and not the rule.

So basically I have a bit of research left before I can lay out my plans…but you should hear something from W2 that weekend for sure.


The publicity to the RSGB did make it through, for there is a piece in the GB2RS news script for this coming Sunday. It does seem to have bypassed Radcom though.


In reply to GM4TOE:
Due to a kind offer from Geoff Passey 2E0BTR, I am going to take part. Geoff is collecting me and taking me to Cleeve Hill G/CE-001 where the car park is apparently in the activation zone and I can get away from the car on my crutches by the required distance and we can set up and operate.
The Cheltenham Mafia are very welcome to come and say hello / operate!
I think Geoff will post an alert once he’s back from this weekend’s activation of Raw Head G/SP-016 [soon to be R.I.P. all for the sake of 6 to 7 feet of prominence].
I’m looking forward to speaking with you all on air on the Saturday from Cleeve Hill. It’ll be lovely and busy.
I hope to be experimenting with PSK31 and SSTV during next week’s convalescence between leg in air rest and physio exercises. SSTV interests me most for sending summit image and greeting in the future during an activation.

David M6WOW


Whilst the Car Park for G/CE-001 is in the activation area, it is also adjacent to the masts which have the usual mixture of VHF & UHF Transmitters (including the GB3UK 70cm Repeater and MB7UC 2m APRS Digi).

I hope to be operating for some of the time about 1Km south of the Summit (by the side of the access road) from 1400 in the RSGB contest on 70cm and 23cm.

Another option which would avoid getting RF Break-through from nearby transmitters is G/WB-021, however RF take-off from this one is nothing like as good.


Is anyone planning to activate from any of the following
spotted” associations?

OD, W2, GI, GD, EI, PA, HB0, SP, SM, LA, OH, OE, ZS

I myself will not be able to activate a SM summit during the upcoming weekend, but will hopefully make a tour to the mouintains in the north (region SM/JL) in summer around 18-15th July. Hope to CU then!

In reply to SM5KRI:
I am hoping to activate one of the highest summits in Southern Africa - ZS/KN-011 at 3251 meters above sea level for 10 points. I plan to drive with 4x4 up the Sani Pass to the Lesotho (7P8) and South Africa (ZS) border, leave my 4x4 at the border post, and hike the 2 km to the summit. However, I have been calling all the hotels in the area, and it seems most of the hotels in the area are full, so it depends if I can find accomodation for the weekend. It also depends on the weather, as this is a very high and dangerous summit. Equipment would be an Icom IC-703, 10 watts and an MP-1 80-10 meter vertical on both SSB and CW.

John, ZS5J

In reply to SM5KRI: see the PD0ROC/P alert from PA/PA-002

In reply to M1EYP:

Is anyone planning to activate from any of the following “lesser
spotted” associations?

OD, W2, GI, GD, EI, PA, HB0, SP, SM, LA, OH, OE, ZS

Will do some OE/WI-xxx on morning of May 1st and in late afternoon of May 3rd.

In reply to DF9TS:
Just posted the alert, I will try W2/GC-001 Slide Mountain for the first ever 10 point activation from W2. This is a 4,000 Ft+ summit with a 1,600+ vertical hike. Summit arrival time is forecast for 1900 UTC but this is a guess. Operating time will probably be about 2 hours. I will run the
N2YTF-3 beacon with frequency updates on the status message, you should be able to track me at

by tracking n2ytf-3 as long as there is APRS coverage up there. I am pretty sure there will be coverage from the peak, but I do not know about coverage on the trail.

I might also try the SMS/spot gateway if I can figure out how to use it with my phone.

No sleep over though camping is not allowed at this altitude.

This will be a day hike and I will only go if there are no thunderstorms. This is not a good summit to be on during a lightning storm. I will have details soon at my page.

Right now it looks like I will be going alone or with the XYL up Slide with 50w to the pac-12 vertical. Probably only USB on HF and VHF/UHF.


In reply to G0LGS:
Firstly I would like to wish all the activators around the world a good weekend and safe descents. I hope we can have as many S2S contacts as possible between talking with the chaser community and that the chasers with the internet open in their shacks will advise us where to look if it’s not obvious for S2S.

Stewart - there is after your advice a strong possibility that Geoff and I will go to Ruardean Hill G/WB-021 in the afternoon. It sounds friendly enough for an activator on crutches and Geoff has been there this year already so knows the approach well. I may try 432 fm and ssb from this hill using the Sotabeam UHF elements if time and batteries permit.

All the best everyone
David M6WOW

In reply to M6WOW:

I might (only might) call in at Ruardean Hill for a very quick activation. I am helping out at a large orienteering event at Speech House in the Forest of Dean, and might call in at Ruardean Hill in passing, either on the way there (10AM) or on the way back (late afternoon). It would only be a quick activation so that I have done somthing during the weekend, and would not interfere with your operation, if you are there, and indeed it would be nice to meet you.


Richard G0IBE

In reply to GM4TOE:

I would Like to wish all who are taking part good luck for the weekend!!

I will be Chasing on Saturday (hoping to achieve my 250 chaser point goal!!)

and Active on Sunday hoping for plenty of S2S (so I can achieve my S2S award)

To all Chasers please be patient with the Activators.

To all Activators be careful and have fun!!



In reply to 2E0LAE:

I too would like to wish all the activators a safe climb and descent this weekend. I will be operating from car time to time at Cadwell Park in Lincolnshire on 40 and 20 metres



I also would like to wish all activators safe & pleasant activations. I only had a handful of contacts yesterday but I am hoping to make up for that today.


Mark G0VOF