Hosting photos on sotadata?

You can upload your photos to the reflector. I included 2 photos in my activation report of W6/CT-212 here on this reflector. Don’t know what would have happened if I had tried to include 10 photos though.


Storing that on Amazon S3 would cost about $150/month, plus $0.004 per 10,000 requests.

Some photo storage companies use S3. The bigger ones build their own similar storage system.


More like $150K/month, I think.

By the time all 8155 users have been round all 67125 summits and uploaded their 10 photos from each we’ll probably have 5PB of storage on our smartwatches.

Let’s be a bit more realistic. There have been fewer than 150,000 activations so far. I don’t know the current rate but let’s guess there are 30,000 activations per year now. If half of those lead to 10 photos being uploaded (pretty unlikely) that’s 150GB of storage per year. Trivial. Even if I’m wrong by an order of magnitude it’s still not a lot.

I’m not for a moment suggesting that it is trivial to provide the service, but raw storage is not the issue.

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Oops, you are right, but as the next reply points out, we won’t hit petabytes for a very long time. --wunder