CEPT Prefix for Italy?

Been there, done that Stephan (but fortunately a bit closer to home than EA)

Good point, thanks Andy!

Afterwards it’s kind of funny. Furtunately, the next day I found a ham shop on the way to the next summit :smiley:

Using the EA preffix is mandatory and adding the call area number is optional, according to Spanish regulations. As you very well added later, the SOTA reference gives precise information of your exact location, so using the call area number seems redundant to me too, except for EA6, EA8 and EA9, which are unique dxcc entities and albeit the inclusion of the call area number is not mandatory, only optional, I’d find highly recommendable its use because it will probably attract more chasers.


Thank you Guru, for your local and detailed view!

This definitely gives me enough information to decide about the preferred prefix for doing SOTA the next time I’m in Spain

73, Stephan HB9EAJ

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It depends where in Italy you are. So far I have used IV3/S57D/P and IT9/S57D/P. This picture can help you to determine correct prefix:

73, Milos S57D

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