Association updates

The ON, OH and HB associations have been updated for March 1st. HB was the major update with some summits being deleted as they failed the P150 requirement. However, a number of new P150 summits were located and have been added meaning there are more summits now in HB9 than before. Also, the policy of removing border summits with multiple references continues with HB. The summits still exist but you can no longer activate it multiple times for points in the same day.

The database has been updated and update ARMs should now be in place so these new summits can be logged. Jon will update SOTAwatch shortly so they can appear in alerts and spots.

Please join me in thanking Jim G0CQK, Csaba YO6PIB, Peter ON4UP on the MT and the AM’s and their helpers in ON,OH,HB9 for their work on updating the associations.

Some bonus points errors were spotted in W6/CN and W7U/SU that happened a while back. This is simply due to finger trouble. One case the updates were never pushed the to database, the other the wrong bonus dates were left in the source files. I have updated the database to now bring the issuing of bonus points in line with the correct dates. I have not yet rescored the database to reflect these changes.


I have rescored the activator database just now. Only the people who have activations in W6/CN and W7U/SU may possibly see a change in their score as the changes to bonus points gets reflected.

If your score now seems wrong then let me know and I’ll look into it.

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