1296 MHz Antenna for SOTA?

Hi all

Activated Livingstone Hill VK2/SM-093 (6 points) today on 23 cm 1296.150 SSB. Al VK1RX/2 activated ‘The Peak’ VK2/SM-068 (8 points) 78 km south at 180 degrees also on 1296.150 SSB. Both Al and I were using SG-Lab’s 2.5 watt 23cm transverter. Al’s antenna is the delivered HB9CV 2el yagi while my antenna is a homebrew 23 cm 12el yagi. Signal reports between Al and I were 5-9+ each way.

Both Al and I qualified our respective summits on 23 cm, stations worked; Rob VK1KW 61 km, Ian VK1BG 56 km, Rod VK2TWR 90 km and Matt VK1MA 61 km. Al was ~140 km south of Canberra, not bad for 2.5 watts and a 2el yagi.

On 2m 144.2 USB additional VHF DX Net stations were Mat VK1MT 35 km and Steve VK2NSS 86 km both north of Livingstone Hill.

Qualifying a VK summit on 23 cm is a great challenge and comes with immense personal satisfaction when four unique contacts are made. :smile:

VK1AD 23 cm station, temperature is 3 degrees C, wind is a cold north-westerly at 20 km/h.

Yagi heading 180 degrees south to work Al 78 km over the horizon.

23cm and 2m/70cm yagi antennas

Al VK1RX 23 cm station at The Peak VK2/SM-068 140 km south of Canberra. 23 cm transverter and antenna are both mounted to the tripod pan head. Note the rocks to prevent the tripod from blowing over in the strong wind. Photo courtesy of Al VK1RX.

73 Andrew VK1AD