Wild Boar Fell G/NP-007 Tues 17 Sept 2024

|Tuesday 17th September. The sun was out, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and hardly a breath of wind. Mrs P dropped me off a Hazel Gill (782998) a few miles south of Kirby Stephen on the B6295.

Following the bridleway and turning south on (The Nab) a prominent feature on the fell I was on the summit 1’ 10’ minutes and dead on time to set up and start calling on my alerted time at 12.10 LT. To my dismay and horror :woozy_face: I couldn’t load a spot as I had no signal despite much wandering around and waving my phone about. My only hope was to be spotted by the RBN.

After calling on 7mhz for nearly half an hour with no answers to my CQ I had visions of a failed activation. :thinking: Given the current propagation I QSY’d to 14mhz to get a better chance of being picked up. A few CQs later I was starting to think I was wasting my time until I got answered by HB9AGH/Ambrosi, then HB9CBR/Bruno a minute later. Relief!!! i knew i’d been spotted and soon got several more QSOs in my log. :blush:

Listening to 10mhz I heard G0EVV/P calling from G/LD-020 and a minute later I had an S2S with David, followed by 4 more QSOs. An hour an half on the summit in beautiful weather I decided to pack up and walk back to our caravan at Kirby Stephen Caravan Park 9km away. An easy walk of about 9 km over the hills in superb weather and met up with this magnificent old oak (Its on the register of Ancient Trees) near Wharton Hall. Also, waiting for me there was Mrs P and Alphie our dog, near Wharton Hall. 2’ 30" minutes after setting off from the summit I was back at our caravan.

There are a number of fell tops in the Yorkshire Dales with these cairns on, notably Nine Standard Rigg, and whilst I was packing up a walker asked me what they were for. There are a number of suggestions - everything from representations of soldiers to ‘guard’, the dale below and representations of families or individuals. Some are obviously built by folk experienced in stone work, others not so well built. Probably built by generations of bored, shepherds or other folk simply for fun.

Here’s my office position and my kit:-

Not much spotted in terms of wildlife except a grouse on the hill. Not unusual you might say, but it was in purple moor grass and there was only a couple of acres of heather moor and that was a couple of miles away.

Much more interesting was hearing, then seeing one of those military transport planes which had a pair of engines, each powering enormous propellers. I think this plane is one which can land/take off almost vertically. It flew south well below me and turned a sharp east to fly down Wensleydale. From the pilot’s perspective this must be much more fun than flying a similar sized plane full of passengers at 20,000 ft or so.

Time Callsign Band Mode Notes
12:50 G0EVV/P 10MHz CW S2S
12:53 OE7PHI 10MHz CW
11:55 HB9AGH 14MHz CW
11:57 HB9CBR 14MHz CW
12:01 OH3GZ 14MHz CW
12:02 SM5LNE 14MHz CW
12:03 DL8DXL 14MHz CW
12:05 OK1LV 14MHz CW
12:25 EA5JN 14MHz CW
12:28 EA2BD 14MHz CW
12:28 HA0IS 14MHz CW
12:30 IK6LBT 14MHz CW
12:33 F4WBN 14MHz CW
12:35 DL4CW 14MHz CW
12:36 OH6NPV 14MHz CW
13:02 PA0RBA 10MHz CW
13:04 F8FKKI 10MHz CW
13:06 DJ5AV 10MHz CW



I always rely on the RBN and it rarely fails me. On one occasion I had alerted without the /P so it was entirely my fault. Otherwise it’s just on the higher bands (10m and 12m) where it won’t spot me if there’s no propagation.

RBNHole is one of the many reasons I prefer CW for activating.


I agree the RBN never fails me.

I post an alert and stick as close as I can to that time. On this activation I suffered a tyre failure on my way to the Skiddaw car park delaying me 40minutes. Having parked up I added 40min to my activation time on the alert. I have a spreadsheet Activation time estimator to determine my activation time. I usually have a chaser within 2 minutes of my first call. The only band the RBN (in the UK) does not cover these days is 60M.

Photo is G0EVV on Skiddaw Courtesy of Reg 2E0LDF

Thank you for the QSO and S2S David