Which version of QMX did you get? Why?

The curse of no luck is broken now I think. (You may ask Armin why.)

73 Ludwig

He told me :cry:

You’re interpretation of expected results is too literal. Depending upon how you build your particular transceiver, you may have more or less power. The difference between 4w and 5w is trivial.


My QRP Labs projects QCX 30, QCX Mini20, QMX20-10,QMX80-20 for desktop and handled operation.And depending on the situation, the choice is yours.


I got the 60 - 15m version. Mainly because it has the WARC bands, except 12m and those are handy when most weekends when I go SOTA or POTA there are often contests clogging up the non WARC bands. Also I have a (tr)uSDX made for the classic bands, so if I bring that one as backup I also have 80m and 10m on that one. The QMX sounds really nice , but I have two issues with it, high current consumption on RX, 200mA, and somtimes just noises for audio, usually OK after a reboot or two… So I guess it’s an iffy ADC chip that I need to replace.
Also a bit low output power on all bands, just around 2W. But got many nice QSO’s on it anyways, but need to do a bit debugging work to get it perfect.

You probably remember, as I do, that there was a noticeable jump in output power between versions of the QCX, simply due to better quality components being used. The graph is a guideline, not a hard and fast prediction.
73 de OE6FEG