What are you using to keep small memories of your activations ?

I keep a folder of digital photos sorted by country. As most activations are in Scotland that is also sorted by year. There are 55.8GB of photos comprising 807 folders, so 807 summits (but some are repeats) and 12,841 individual pictures.

I have been using the same mapping program since 2007 and so have many routes saved on there. I’ve also started saving actual tracklogs for what I consider where more interesting routes. I’ve got lots of planned routes saved as well for possible SOTApeditions.

And I write up reports and put them on here that have descriptions of where to park, the routes up and pictures of the views.

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Last year, I kept ticks as small memories of my activations… they worked well as an itchy/scratchy reminder of my misadventures, particularly when they matured a few days later. :man_shrugging:

In all seriousness though, I tend to take photos of the surroundings, and screenshots of the map if I’ve had a particularly good activation.


I have started my own blog at F4LEK. The website is currently under construction and still in draft form.

I would like to use it to share some beautiful mountain pictures I took during my 25 years of hiking and mountaineering in the Pyrenees before discovering SOTA. I also plan to include some of my radio DIY experiments in a “lab” section.

Si tu passes dans les Pyrénées, envoie un message :wink:

@OE5LXR I cannot access your blog. Https issues.

Yes, decided to use the start of the new year to finally cleanly separate business from private projects. Will be back online around middle next week :wink: .

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