Wainwright fells

In reply to G4ILO:
Hi All…

IF a decision was made to adopt P100…who would administer it…what I mean is…is there a list of P100 summits anywhere? Does anyone know how many summits this would be in the UK…

I only ask because setting up such a list (if one doesn’t allready exist) would be a lot of work. Using “Relative Hills” was quick and easy…

(apologies if this is explained above…there was a lot to read!!)


Hi Rob,

Yes, the P100-149 summits are already catalogued, and by people linked to the RHB folks. However, the list is nothing like as stable as the Marilyns list - well not yet anyway. A recent update had many alterations in it.

It would have to be administered by the G Association Manager.


In reply to G1TPO:
Hi Rob
As Tom says there is a list.
This for G in SOTA/Marilyn areas is at
Also as Tom says there are some amendments - but not many - to make


Roger G4OWG

In reply to G1TPO:
A good site which displays lots of different types of hills (Nuttalls, Hewitts, Marilyns Wainrights, Birkets, Deweys, HuMPs & Country Tops) on maps can be found at http://www.hill-bagging.co.uk/index.php - gives a good visualization of what’s available for all hill types
73 jim

In reply to G0CQK:
Certainly an excellent site Jim.
And it can be used to log your progress if you join.

Roger G4OWG

ps glad to see you are back activating :slight_smile:

Re the P100 HuMPs list:

Hmmmm, a difference of emphasis here. Some statistics wouldn’t go amiss to clarify the situation and avoid this becoming an issue (one way or the other - though I have my suspicions as to which way) when the green light is given for representations to be made to the AM.


In reply to G4OIG:
It’s a pessimist/optimist thing Gerald - my glass is half full :slight_smile:

Roger G4OWG

In reply to G4OWG:

Not certain I entirely agree Roger on the pessimist / optimist scenario. I have a feeling one statement is expressed disproportionately and it isn’t yours!


In reply to M1EYP:

Many thanks for all the info… it looks as if introducing P100 is quite feasible then… I must admit I’m on the fence over the whole idea though.

Glad your feet are on the mend Jim… Missed you last weekend, I was gardening and far to busy for radio !!!

73s ALL,

In reply to G4OIG:
To put it another way then Gerald, there were only two departments I ever had a problem with in my previous employment, languages and maths.
I could reason with languages but always had to veto maths :slight_smile:

Roger G4OWG

In reply to G4OIG:
I don’t see this as an issue - and you seem to have missed the difference between made and to make!


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:
To clarify, my post was in the context of SummitsBase and Tom’s in the context of the RHB.
The RHB made the changes - SummitsBase is in the process of making these changes.
In either case there are not that many.


Roger G4OWG

In reply to G4OIG:

(one way or the other - though I have my suspicions as to which way) when
the green light is given for representations to be made to the AM.


Just a thought, is James still the G AM and if so is he still in the UK? I have not heard him activating, posting on the Reflector, or in any other capacity associated with SOTA. One would have thought he would have popped up with such an important debate being ongoing about the country he represents.


In reply to GW0DSP:

Just a thought, is James still the G AM and if so is he still in the
UK? I have not heard him activating, posting on the Reflector, or in
any other capacity associated with SOTA. One would have thought he
would have popped up with such an important debate being ongoing about
the country he represents.

As far as I understand it Mike, he’s in hibernation until June as far as SOTA is concerned. Hardly proactive, but we have no option but to accept that’s how it is.


In reply to G4OIG:

Amen to that Gerald.


In reply to GW0DSP:

And if this is what the hustings are like in February, I am dreading June.


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:

Cor blimey, not half Brian. I hope and pray that it is done with transparency in June or this issue will not go away!!
