Amazing accomplishment Pete! Congratulations!!! Always a pleasure to chase you…
73 de Joe KE9AJ
Amazing accomplishment Pete! Congratulations!!! Always a pleasure to chase you…
73 de Joe KE9AJ
Congrats to you Pete. Nice to work you S2S! Many more to come in 2022.
Congratulations Pete! Amazing achievement!
Keith KR7RK
Congrats, Pete, and thank for the S2S
73 Jens HB9EKO
Congrats Pete!!
Very impressive. Well done!!
Big sig into S. AZ from both hills that day.
All Best, Ken and Kay
Amazing achievement!
Hello everyone and thanks for your very kind words.
The last 8+ years activating SOTA summits has been more fun, more satisfying, and more self challenging than anything else I have ever done in Ham Radio. I just can’t seem to stop myself as there are so many summits left to do, and so little time. My wife claims I even hike at night when I am sleeping…has a few bruises to prove it apparently…Hi HI.
So thanks to all of you, the dedicated Chasers and Activators for working me over the years, and I hope to put you all in my logs many, many, more times.
I don’t know where I am going with SOTA in the years ahead, but “UP” comes to mind.
So thanks my friends…u r the best.
Well done, Pete. How many vertical feet is that total ?? Hihi.
Merry Christmas & 73!
Mike, WB2FUV
A LOT!!!
Congrats Pete !!!
Congratulations to you, Pete! And thank you for the many chaser contacts and S2S’s.
Congratulations! That is a lot of summits. Thanks for all the activations.
Jeff K6QCB
Those ol’ legs just keep chugging along. Impressive milestone.
Charlie NJ7V
Congrats, Pete! It strains my imagination to think of 5xMG! Thanks for all the contacts.
Peter KD0YOB
Congratulations Pete. Awesome!
Malcolm VE2DDZ
Congratulations Pete for the achievement of 5x MG.
Trying to catch you but I’m only a half goat.
Attila W7AMR
Congratulations, Pete! That’s quite a milestone achievement. May your next 5,000 points be even more enjoyable!
73 de K9PM
Always good to contact you on your activations. Look forward to many more. Congratulations. 73, Richard N6PKT