VK1/AC-033 Bullen Range - Gates and Buck Deer - Summit 2/3 this weekend

Summit number 2 of 3 this weekend, I shall remember Bullen Ridge for 2 things - its gates (5) and the BIG Buck Dear that snuck on on me in the AZ while I was setting up.

This summit also saw my first DX stations on my own gear on 5w - 2 ZL stations.


Some of the locals enjoying the afternoon sun

QSO, including 2 ZLs

4 S2S

Long video but its all good :smiley:


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G day Wade I think you have the wrong summit reference in the title AC-053. On the summit list Bullen Range is AC-033 . I was comparing with what i wrote down yesterday when we worked.
Liked you video.
Regards Ian vk5cz …

Thabks Ian. You are correct - I will edit

I have seen the same deer, a family of three. :slight_smile:

Great video Wade well done.

73 Andrew VK1AD

I couldn’t call the post what I wanted 'Gates, Deer and DX" was too long.

Scare the absolute you know what out of me.

We locked eyes and both jumped at the same time.