You are right that no signal report is actually going to be very accurate. On my home rig if the attenuator is on then the S meter reading changes. I always give reports based on how they sound which is effectively a signal to noise ratio. My comments about FT8 are because many people in forums don’t actually understand what the FT8 report really means.
Hi Ed
Re: March 2018 VK- EU S2S event.
Durinng my stay in Bregenz (2 weeks ago) Herbert mentioned Jurg HB9BIN heard me calling CQ on 40m SSB but he didn’t have a Tx 40m antenna to return the call.
After making numerous EU S2S contacts on 20m, I QSY to 40m for local VK S2S, my Tx power level was 50 watts. Apparently Jurg heard me calling which means 40m long skip was open to HB9. For clarification, my 40m antenna was an inverted V, broadside east-west with the antenna appex at 9m.
With the above in mind on Saturday 20 October Herbert OE9HRV and I will attempt 20m and 40m QSOs. We will use WhatsApp for liaison. I will post spots for 20 and 40m frequencies.
73 Andrew VK1AD
Ill be out portable ~100Km NE of Canberra in VK2 but not on a summit. I should be local noise free on SSB so hopefully will hear what is happening. I can run FT-8. I’m still looking for a 23cm FT-8 S2S, havent got one in the log yet.Compton
Hi Richard. I’ll be there on CW. Only 5W from the FT-817 but I’ve worked S2S with Europe using that set-up before, in similar propagation conditions, so fingers crossed and let’s give it a go!
Sorry, Ed. FT8 leaves me cold. Not my bag at all. Good luck with it though and I look forward to hearing about how you went with it.
Bernard, VK2IB
I will also be out CW and SSB 20 meters LP seems best option for VK6 but will be checking 40 also.
Looking forward to it already, I’ll post alert nearer the time when I decide which summit.
John VK6NU
At the moment Herbert has only alerted for 20m but it looks like he’s still considering which summit is best as well and that could affect his antenna and hence band choice I guess.
73 Ed.
weather permitting, I’d like to participate.
This time I would try using an FT-857 at 25 watts and an EFHW to give an extra punch in my signals.
I think I will focus on CW but I would keep an eye on SSB spots to jump in, just in case.
20m and 30m would be my choice, as they both were reliable for EU - VK & ZL contacts in the last edition back on march this year.
Look forward to hear as many of you as I can.
73 de Ignacio EA2BD
Hi Compton,
You’re the only person who has indicated they can run FT8 from a summit, so I most likley wont bother with all the extra complications and weight to get set-up at my end. Once we have a nice small portable rig that does FT8 from inside the box, things will get more interesting. One of the Chinese HF rigs (the RS-918) comes with digital voice (FreeDV) so maybe at some point someone will manage FT8 as well?
73 Ed.
Oh gosh, I nearly forgot, I better pick my summit.
I am waiting for a small piece of kit to arrive shortly and if it arrives in time @VK2HRX it will mean I will have digi with me… maybe even the new mode FT8CALL for full keyboard QSOs??
If there is an interest, I will bring my DMR HT and DMR hotspot for SOTA link DMR BM coordination
I got permission to activate from the summit of VK2/IL-002 AND I’ve got a shiny new LiFePo4 pack with 60Ah to run the 891, very excited now
Fingers crossed the rain that poured on Robinson this weekend has abated! Posted my spot with all the details.
Hi Sam,
Never needed permission there but the locals know me by sight and are friendly. Once had an invitation to go to the peak which is on private land but did not have time to check it out.
Any chance of 80m for a local S2S during the event?
73, Gerard - VK2IO
Yup, I’ll be wandering up to the trig this time. I’ll make sure to pack the 80m for you Worst comes to worst it’s my backup antenna to switch to if the EFHW is failing again.
Shoud get me on ground wave. I’ll be a little East of Goulburn.
I found a summit with no trees on top and a nearby B&B. Thus, I can be on the summit early to set up a GP for 20m and also a dipole for 30. Will be QRV with 100W in CW, and if I find my microphone also in SSB.
73 de Jens, HB9EKO
Ohh have I any chance with QRP (10-12 W) in CW with bazooka (20m only or Fuchsantenna (then all bands) from a summit here?
Which antenna should I pull up? Any suggestion?
My QTH is my sailing ship on Lesvos island (Greece) so I have only small possibilities, and from ship is not good - lot QRM around.
(I had within last two SOTA activations in QRP QSO with USA, also with Japan on IOTA contest also in QRP)
73 de Erich
We might almost manage on 2M, I’ve got a second hand N9TAX slim jim that needs field testing
Unfortunately I’ve just realised I can’t make this. So good luck to everyone and hopefully I’ll be there next time.
That’s a pity Richard, I was hoping for a ‘complete’. Maybe next time
Having gained permission from the property owner will activate Nullo Mtn VK2/CT-017 for this event. Will be able to run 45W into a vertical and will be on the lookout for DX, think 30M or 20M might be best. Mostly CW.
A few years back did a marathon wilderness trek in this area to Mt Pomany and Mt Cox, both remote unactivated summits.
Will make another attempt to reactivate these summits, this time will set up a base camp where there is water avaliable and do day walks from the base camp.
This should be better than lugging a full o/nite rucksack swaying from side to side with heavy water bladders. There is not any water at Mt Pomany or Mt Cox.
Still an exercise in navigation and packing of gear, hopefully the base camp will make things easier.
Mobile phone access at Nullo Mtn, Mt Pomany for self spotting but none at Mt Cox. 80M will be my start band for these summits as propagation on 40M has been errattic as of late.
When I finally stagger back to Nullo Mtn will see about activating Mt Touwoucan VK2/CT-044 which is in this area and has only been activated once before. Not sure on this as yet as still have to get permission from a property owner.
Phone access at Touwoucan so can self spot.
Hope to hear from everyone, Wal VK2WP