VIDEO: Autumn activation of Hexenturm, OE/ST-070

Hello everyone,

Please join me on a perfect wx hike mid November 2024 to the rarely activated summit Hexenturm OE/ST-070. The name translates to witches-tower :mage: :broom: so that might have scared more activators away - hi.
But it is a really amazing hike and the overnight stay at Admonterhaus mountainhut was unique as I was the only guest.

Conditions on HF were special. You can hear the SP and in addition the LP signal of Chris @F4WBN blasting around the globe (Timestamp 8:07 in the video). Many 2m and HF contacts in the log.


Morning mood at the hut

View over to Hexenturm from Natterriegel

Summit cross

The Hallermauern ridge with it’s SOTA summits. Btw. I have activated all :smiley:


73 de Joe


To bad, this video is a too good reason to procrastinate on learning for the upcoming exams.
Great video and activation as always!


Thanks Alan for the nice comments.
I am sure you will do fine at the exams!

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Servus Joe,

thank you for the reminder to Hexenturm. Thats a hike, like I love them. congratulations to the activation.

I presume, you started from Buchauer Sattel. Anyway, there is a bus stop on the saddle. The 1483 vm difference sound reasonable to me being a litterally old man. The hut facilitates travelling by public transport to and from the trailhead. And autumn after the school holidays are over is a clever timing. Maybe I can achieve the summit this year.

@OE5LAE btw thank you Alan for answering my cq from Schöckl.

73, Johannes

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I think I viewed the video within 5 minutes of it’s release. I really enjoyed it. Hearing @F4WBN Chris’ signal reverberating around the planet a few times was awesome. Something I’ve only experienced once, and I can’t remember where.


Hi Johannes,

If you watch the video you will see that I started from the Hengstpass / Oberlaussa in the north.
From that side it is about 1700 hm ascent/descent (incl. counterascents). So the hut was a very welcome stop overnight.

The GPS route is of course available here:

From the south Hall bei Admont via Grabneralm is shorter and it can be done in one day. But that’s extra driving for me from OE5.
And Gottfried the warden of the hut suggested that I share with everyone to bring fresh fruit or vegetables along. It will be rewarded by the hut crew.

73 Joe


Yes that was impressive. And also challenging to pick up. But with Chris voice that we all know so well it was easy.

Btw timestamp 8 min 8 seconds in the video for the ones that want to have a listen.


Thank you Joe for the additional info. I can not hear the soundtrack on my computer.

I am just calculating wether the Hexenturm is reasonably in reach for me. And the answer seems to be positive. I will arrive by train and bus from Graz So the start from Buchauer Sattel is a good one. But the first opportunity to go there and the last one to go back leave a small time window. So even two nights on the hut seem to be a good plan for doing a pleasant and leisurely hiking. Huts at that high level are really a good thing as long as they are not overcrowded. So off season planing is recommended.

Being 72 yo I am not so fast any more, but as a retired person I have time available, which I want to utilize. Everybody needs to create a personal stile of hiking and it changes necessarily over the years.

Good luck to you and much success, may be we can hear each other across the alpine main ridge even before summer.

73, Johannes