VHF/UHF is alive and well

Yes, that is the unit. Jack and I organised the bulk purchase and we emailed SG-Lab and asked how much for 7 shipped to the UK, got a price and paid. I’ll tell you the exact price in a PM but it was well under £200 each.

IF is 70cms. The unit will work with upto 5W IF drive but I have mine set to give full o/p on 13cms for 500mW drive, no point making RF on 70cms to waste in it an attenuator. I don’t know if the power drops much, but I was using a 3s Lipo for my transverter so I expect it to be down on 13.8V. Takes about 950mA at 13.8V. I may invest it a buck/boost jobby to power it to 11.1V on RX and 13.8 on TX.

I found a piece of RG-223 cable with SMA plugs on it… now one end is a BNC. The 4ele PCB Yagi is included in the price as is a coax power plug and 3.5mm Jack for PTT. I have set the RF Vox hang time to about 500mS and that works FB.

I think the next antenna will be a double bowtie. These are very tolerant on small dimension errors and a double bowtie gain is about 11dBi. They have a narrow vertical radiation pattern and wider horizontal pattern making them ideal if pointing the antenna may be “wind challenged”!