unable to upload chaser qso manually, SOLVED


I seem to be unable to upload a chaser qso manually, but can not find the mistake.

The data are accepted by the form. Then I see a button [verify qso] and click it. Everything seems ok. But the qso does not show up in my sota-log page. I can see the older qso’s.

When I go to the upload page again, it tells me “unfinished session found”. To repeat the upload then and verify again did not help. To start the upload process from the beginning, did neither.

What could be my mistake or misinterpretation of the procedure? Or is it a database issue?

You need to click “Verify”. And then again the same button to Submit.
Usually there is another dialog with a Checkbox to Accept the Rules of SOTA and then Submit again.


Servus Joe,

exactly this did help. Thanks a lot. I misunderstood that button, thinking it starts the input of the next qso to follow.

hear you soon, Johannes