10 September 2024 06:52
In my opinion, ‘tunable counterpoise ’ is an oxymoron and confirms what I wrote elsewhere [links below] that nowadays the terms counterpoise and radial have become synonymous. A pity. In their original meanings, both provide an artificial ground plane but do it differently.
Thank you Ludwig for your description. I agree with most of it. You speak of a ground plane but don’t link it directly to the word ‘counterpoise’ (which I think is an example of a GP). So, I’ll summarize what I believe is the distinction between radials and counterpoise wires.
As before, I welcome antenna experts to correct or add to this description.
Form the other ‘pole’ for a monopole vertical to create a (compromised) dipole. I read contradictory information as to whether or not…
Having spent the last few years trying to research this question and the distinction between a counterpoise and a radial, I think this is as good an answer as any. Choose your own unit of length from nanometres to light years. Many writers conflate the two terms, confusing the rest of us, and making any sensible discussion of CPs or of radials (and how to optimize either) meaningless.
There are so many different opinions, answers and contradictory information on this subject in AR literature a…
Despite reading articles and searching the internet (on more than one occasion) I can’t find consistent definitions for ‘radial’ and ‘counterpoise’ and the distinction between them if any. Many of the sources contradict each other leaving me bewildered. One says they are the same thing; others imply they’re different.
I think the three short metal rods on the base of my V2000 6/2/0.7m colinear are radials because a) Yaesu call them that, b) they are a ‘tuned’ length (one of them is for 6m and i…
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