Trans-Atlantic S2S - 6th November part 3

Thank you, Mike, for your call!

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TNX S2S from EA7/GR-068.
73, José


Good to get you today. 73s!

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Hi Friends,

Today I decided to activate two summits.
Both of them have easy short access - this my choice was made to safe more time for activations themselves.


on the background of the photo a bit right from the mast you can see SP/BZ-045 (my second summit of today).

SP/BZ-043 was scheduled to be usual morning activation and warm-up for the trans-atlantic SOTA day.

Anyway Hideo @JH1MXV made me very happy to chase me.
Meaning of Hideo is “wonderful man” and it is definitely so !

View from SP/BZ-043 to Tatra mountains - the highest ones in Poland (SP/TA in SOTA):

SP/BZ-045 was scheduled for afternoon time when chances to catch trans-atlantic QSOs were higher.
Unfortunately no chaser this time but I worked my first ever trans-atlantic S2S.

Fredi FM/HB9BHU/P absolutely made my day.
I heard him very well on 12m but he got no copy of me I guess.
Then after a few tries we completed S2S on 15m.

Later on 15m I heard beautiful copy of PY1ZB but unfortunately he did not copy me.

View from SP/BZ-045 to Tatra mountains:

In total 112 contacts logged, 37 S2S :wink:
Many thanks to activators & chasers !

Cherry on the cake = happy ending of today - I avoided an accident during my way back home:


When I reached the summit, it was covered in fog and the temperature was about 4°C. Not exactly the best conditions to stay up there for long. But finally the fog thinned out and it became more pleasant in the warm sunlight.

Working conditions: CW only, KX3, vertical dipole for 17m on a 10m pole (left), random wire on a 6m pole as inverted L above sloping ground.

With k = 4 condx were not that great, yet there was no choice but to make the best of it.
I was QRV from about 13:45 utc but in the first hour no S2S from the other side of the pond was to be heard. I made some QSOs and explained visitors what I was doing.
During the next hour 17m buzzed with Trans-Atlantic S2S and after 16:00 utc 20m was good. 15m was in good shape at times, but unfortunately never produced much S2S.
QRV approx. 2.5 hrs. Tear-down started at nightfall.

Worked 9 x EU S2S and 11 x DX S2S:

  • 1 x on 15m
  • 6 x on 17m
  • 4 x on 20m

Thanks @all for the QSOs, but especially to our friends on the summits across the Atlantic:

It was tons of fun :slight_smile:
73, Roman


Continuing the discussion from Trans-Atlantic S2S - 6th November part 2:

@M0WIV I think I almost had a 17m QSO with @VE2DDZ but the QSB lost me I fear as I attempted to send my summit reference.

My log shows M0WIV/P 339, so you were clear enough to copy your call, but the QSB (or maybe QRM?) took the rest. Next time!


Hello all,

I arrived very late at the summit Nordhelle DM/NW-204 and was QRV at about 15:15h UTC on the bands as a chaser. First I could work KF7NP (for a third S2S-QSO after 2018 and 2020) on a summit near Phoenix, followed by VA2MO, AF2V and N2MC on 17m and 20m in SSB. The last QSO was with FY5KE in South America.
I was QRV with a FT-891 running 70W in a dipole antenna 13m up.
Thank you very much for the event and the QSOs!

73 de Lutz


My operating position today from Mount Kearsarge, W1/HA010. There was snow in the shadows!

Was qrv from 1400 till 1600 and had 20 qs, 8 S2S: 5 dx EA2CW, DL4FO, DL1GKC, EA7GV and DL3TU. Also got 3 NA S2S: W1DMH, KX0R & WN3F.

5 watts to an inverted u half square. 17 meters got hot for me at the end from 1500 to 1600.

Great fun. Thanks everyone! ditdit


For me, Ros Castle G/SB-009.turned out to be an excellent choice. The 10 minute ascent was ideal with my heavy backpack full of kit for a long stay. It was dry and windy when I arrived at the summit and I was able to set up a basic shelter against the substantial wall that runs across the summit. Once I was ready to go at 12:00z the heavens opened. No problem… however all was not well.

First up I was going to try 60m using the IC703 barefoot. Unfortunately I had serious feedback on SSB. Eventually I managed to control it by holding the battery in one hand and the mic in the other. First in the log was Martin DF3MC/P, the mode CW. Back on SSB I worked G4SVN who turned out to be former G8CTV, an old friend from the early 1970s that I haven’t spoken to for almost half a century! Ian GI0AZB and Esther GI0AZA qualified the summit for me. 40m was very busy, so after working Ham 2E0HXS/P on SSB I skipped to 20m, but that band was the same. So up again trying 17m… then 15m where I found and worked Mike WB2FUV.

At 15:00 the strong wind removed my 60/40/30m dipole from the pole. I left it lying on the heather and set up the 17/20m vertical. After working George KX0R, I spent 20 minutes or so calling Pete WA7JTM who was peaking S5… hmm, obviously something strange going on. I decided to move up 1kHz and call - well, I was getting out to the States, Canada, Spain and Scotland, mostly S2S contacts. :grinning: When the run ended I found Charlie NJ7V for another S2S and then Fredi FM/HB9BHU/P. The band closed to the US shortly afterwards, so a change of links and it was down to 20m for 5 more contacts (2 US), finishing with Phil G4OBK.

22 QSOs in all, including 6 DX S2S - WB2FUV, KX0R, WN3F, VE2DDZ, NJ7V and FM/HB9BHU/P

Apologies to the chasers as i didn’t make many CQ calls today. Could do better, but a very enjoyable event as usual… QRT at 17:25z. Oh, the rain stopped around 13:30z and the wind dried everything out. That’s a bonus! :grinning:

73, Gerald G8CXK/P aka G4OIG


I activated Grant Hill [SOTA Summits]. 336 meters ASL.

I had minimal success - 5 contacts in about 1hr 30min, all on CW and one S2S into the US on 20m. Thanks to VE7HI and F4WBN for getting me to a successful activation. I could hear many stations on 20m CW/SSB that didn’t hear me, but 17m and 15m was nearly silent.

This was my first setup in the dark, and first activation in the rain & under a tarp for me.



I set up just a little down from the summit on Mont Hereford, VE2/ES-010. I had my amp along to help get my dits and dahs across the pond. I made 70 QSOs running 40-50W into a 44’ doublet, 19 into EU and 51 NA. Of 17 S2S contacts, 7 were trans-Atlantic (EA2IF/P, EA2CW/P, HB9EKO/P, DL3TU/P, DL4FO/P, HB9IIO/P, and G8CXK/P). Some of the EU QSOs needed many repeats, thanks for your patience, Mont Hereford is not the quietest summit.

I worked NA S2S with VA2EO and VA2MO (we had our own Quebec S2S QSO party going I guess) as well as NA6MG, N6AN, KE9AJ, NJ7V, KX0R, W7UM, NS1TA, and WA7JTM.

It was cold to start on the summit, there are indeed patches of snow in the first photo, but it warmed up nicely as the day went on.

CU next time.
Malcolm VE2DDZ


As per normal, nothing for me regarding S2S into the EU.
I did have 4 S2S to the south of me.
On a good point, it was nice to have a warming fire.



I tried listening for you but yeah the bands were not in good shape today.

73 De VE6JTW, Jesse


Had a great time on Parker Mountain (1,410 feet), W1/NL-010, with an untested 20m ground plane. First QSO was Trans-Atlantic S2S, but not in the direction I expected. It was FM/HB9BHU/P on Martinique!

In 2 hours (starting 1 hour late – sorry!), I worked 34 stations and 19 were on summits, 11 of those in Europe (Spain, Switzerland, Germany). Fair signals with some QSB. Very satisfied with the antenna, running 5 watts.


Gerald…no real clue why i didn’t hear you today.

I assume I was on 17 meters at that time…that’s where all the action was here today.

I suspect I was running about 40 watts when u were hearing me.

I did have some big QRM problems at times on one 17M frequency…but I stayed on that freq trying to fight thru it, as I had just worked a few EU s2s stations…but the QRM was really bad.

I did end up working DL4FO (twice), DL4TO, DL3TU, HB9EKO, and GM0GAV…all on summits.

Worked a few Europe home stations: DJ5AV, F5JKK, EA4R, and EA2LU.

I was also very surprised when I was called by FM/HB9BHU/P on 15 meters…but that was after all of the Europe stations had faded out.

The EU opening here was only about one hour long…1500 to 1600 roughly, and only on 17 Meters. No Europe DX on 20 Meters for some reason.

Anyhow thanks for trying…

Tnx again



Malcolm, thank you. We almost had a S2S QSO. I heard you but failed to transmit my summit ref of G/DC-003. Sending only garbage instead. I was having finger problems with the cold. :slight_smile:


Hi Pete,

It must be the way your rig is set up - it filters out the morse characters for G8CXK/P when sent in that order! :grinning:

You may recall that it has happened before. This time was particularly frustrating as you were calling CQ and not handling a massive US pile up. I was running 30 watts for most of the event. It was 15:30z when I first called and the band was 17m. My last US QSO on the band was Charlie NJ7V at 16:13z, shortly followed by Fredi in Martinique at 16:18z whom I was extremely pleased to work having heard him earlier on 15m.

Like you I found virtually all of the action was on 17m. I did call Eric VA2EO several times around 16:50z on 20m, but to no avail. I was getting across the pond though as Michael NW7E and Albert N1AW both worked me on the band.

As we said last year, hopefully next time!

73, Gerald


Had a great time on HB/AG-012. 74 QSOs, thereof 23 S2S.
NA DX S2S: 2 x W7A, W1,W2, 2 x VE2 and FM. 4 of them were on 17m, 2 on 20m and one on 15m. In addition, I had 9 chaser contacts in NA.

I used a 20m groundplane on a 10m pole with the feedpoint 4-5m above ground, which I matched to the other bands with a tuner. I was running approx. 50W out of the FT-891.

73 Jens HB9EKO


It was very windy so I headed off to Newtyle Hill GM/CS-122 which has some shelter and not too far from my QTH.
I used KX2 10W and 9m vertical, I should have taken a dipole as this summit has some trees which would have been ideal for a high broadside dipole of doublet to NA. Next year perhaps.

17m was best for me, completed S2S with NJ7V, WA7JTM and FM/HB9BHU/P. Plus a good number of NA chasers, best dx NW7E. 20m only NA S2S was WB2FUV. Could not break N6AN or PY1ZB.

24 QSO and 8 x S2S not bad give the conditions earlier in the week.

73 Gavin


I was operative from Mt Tesoro I/LO-222
I start at 13:15utc to 15:50.

My set up was kx3 and a 10.2mt vertical wire with 64:1.
I mainly worked on 20mt follow 17 and 15.

17 total qsos, 7 EU s2s, 2 transatlantic chasers.

I didn’t able to copy two stations that called me, due to a s2 noise floor and qsb.
Now, I suppose that one was FM/HB9BHU/P.

AB4PP and N1AW are the dx stations in my log.
I tried to call WB2FUV on 15mt without success.
I would have liked stay another hour on the summit but after sunshine the temperature dropped near zero degree.

Thanks at All!!