At least I know that I’m not alone now. I always thought it was just me who took everything up the summits with them!
I always activate alone, so I tend to be on the safe side when packing my bag.
My kit normally consists of:
FT817 + mic + straight key, VX-150 2m HH + 1/4 wave ant, DJG5-EY 2/70 HH + spare batt, 7AH SLAB.
Sotabeam SB270 with 7m SOTA pole, Rucksack special and linked dipole.
Waterproof paper pad + automatic pencils / Fisher Spacepen, Laminted A5 SOTA ARM and Radio Licence.
Hat, gloves, waterproof jacket + trousers, fleece jumper.
Safety items:
Spare hat, gloves and jumper in waterproof bag. Whistle, map + compass, headtorch.
First aid kit containing usual first aid stuff (bandage, plasters, painkillers etc) aswell as spare compass, whistle and torch.
Secondary emergency package containing chocolate, kendal mint cake, space blanket, cigarette lighter, swiss army knife, flint and steel, Hi Viz vest, spare boot laces and spare batteries for headtorch.
Also packed is standard orange plastic survival bag and 2 person emergency shelter (similar to a KISU).
I always seem to bring most of my drinking water back with me! (forget to drink whilst concentrating on operating radio!).
I like the idea of the chalk that was suggested, a piece will find it’s way into my emergency bag now!
I haven’t weighed my kit, as I don’t really want to know what it weighs, suffice to say that my wife struggles to lift my pack!
Colin M0CGH
For weather info I use