Well, my antenna experiments for the 12m Challenge continues.
Yesterday, conditions were much better on the higher frequencies than today, however, DX was better today…go figure!
On arriving on G/SP-013 on Sunday morning, I opted to start on the 20m band. A self spot brought about an immediate response from both Michael DJ5AV and Paul VK5PAS. Clearly, HF was in much better shape.
So, after 45 minutes, it was a QSY to 12m where there were plenty of takers. In just over 90 Min’s, a nice haul of 71 contacts was logged, although not too much DX amongst it and rather disappointingly, no Stateside chasers (just too early, I guess.) Number of DXCCs …I don’t have a clue.
In the end, it was down to the 17m band to provide the Stateside regulars.
Sadly, rain stopped play and this really was a shame as my battery with no VHF FM worked, was in good shape and I reckon the best of the 12m band was still to come.
A total of 108 HF contacts for the activation, was a nice result for a few hours work.
Back out on Gun again today and this time to try another antenna. On my arrival at the trig, I was greeted by a howling wind, so much so that one of the poles in my tent snapped while I was putting it up! Scratch one tent
I opted to start on the 12m band, although not before nicking an s2s point from Paul GM4MD/P up on GM/SI-130 who was working 40m.
12m was much harder today and the contacts had to be earned. There was a steady flow of EU calls interspersed with Inter G, then out of the blue 3 JAs on the trot, but once again, no Stateside.
As quickly as the DX came, it went, so a QSY to 17 and 20m where I logged the regular chasers. Just before pulling the plug, I couldn’t resist re-spotting myself once more on 12m. My efforts were rewarded, when up popped Rich N4EX with a great signal…Mission accomplished. Big thanks Rich!
Biggest problem on the band for me was the queen, sugar, baker on both days, nevertheless, the 12m challenge should be fun.
Anyhow, 34 12m contacts today, making 105 for the 2 activations. Number of DXCCs, still none the wiser.
12m is interesting band that has plenty of DX waiting to be reeled in, however, with band conditions we’re experiencing at the moment, in my humble opinion, you’ll need to work for it.
One of the biggest headaches will be the refugees from the contests at weekends. They’ll be working the WARK bands and space will be at a premium, with the SOTA activators finding themselves up against it on such a narrow band.
73 Mike