The EU's new "operating mode" GPSR - and its side effects

This. A million times this.

Making an antenna, even if it’s copying somebody’s published design and then working loads of stations and DX is a real buzz. Using a homebrew antenna with a homebrew rig (even a kit rig) is an even bigger buzz.


I will get there, once my QMX arrives that will be my go to SOTA rig.

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Hi Stefan,
You could contact Wimo - they are SOTABeams EU-based distributor - they list lots of SB products on their website but not the antennas at the moment, however, that could change if they get requests for SB antennas - worth a try.

Otherwise, as the others have said - build your own (or if you already have one - modify it and add in a new pair of links):

73 Ed.

Kanga Products are intending to ship to EU and NI again.

Quote from Paul Webb, owner of Kanga Products-

Just had a meeting with my local government business advisor and explained all about what kanga do and offer. I have been advised that we can continue to offer ALL the products that we had on our web site BEFORE the 13th of December can continue to be sold in the EU. The new GPSR will stop me selling items NOT on the web site at that date but since I have only just updated the web site in the last few months with the RockRose and the Rooster kits these ca be sold with problems. New kits we develop may be a problem but i was told by the advisor that they hope to have a free service for micro businesses in the future. the good news is Kanga is BACK to Customers in the EU and Northern Ireland again!”