Hi Jarek, great report and videos, thank you for your effort.
Geoff vk3sq
Hi Jarek, great report and videos, thank you for your effort.
Geoff vk3sq
Ale miałeś piękną pogodę podczas inwesji Łukaszu! I widzę , że buki jeszcze nie przerosły wieży!
73! Robert SQ8JMZ
My summit of today was SP/BZ-018.
Route was fine - yesterday some people made it easy to walk today
On the summit I realized that my 5m long coax is still drying at home after yesterday’s activation.
Fortunately, I always have a 30cm coax with me to connect ATU and for 10 years it was waiting for occasion when it can be useful.
The occasion came today.
Elecraft T1 tuner got the day off, LNR trial friendly antenna which must be resonant on 20 and 40m I connected with this 30cm coax directly to HB-1B.
The choice of HB-1B for today was a very good decision because this TRX has an SWR indicator.
On 20m CW it was like this:
in the log 36 QSOs including 3 S2S.
I was very happy to get S2S call from Mark @M0NOM - beautiful signal from G/LD-050 - Mark, it was a nice surprise on CW, thank you
On 40m was also fine:
but no takers.
A few more QSOs I logged on 2m FM
73, Jarek
Hi Jarek
Thank you for the nice words. The Guru Memorial Key has helped me focus on CW for the next few activations at least! I was using my Palm Straight key with an FT-857 running at around 50w.
Your scenery looks magnificent!
Jarek, tnx S2S QSO!
For coming Saturday January 28th are scheduled to activate summits as follows:
See you on frequencies
73, Jarek
and SP/BS-019 by Łukasz SO15TA
73, Jarek
Today I forgot to activation the antenna . I did all the QSOs on the RH 205 antenna on the 2m band
SSB - 57 qso
FM - 6 qso
S2S - 6 qso
Thank you all.
Lukasz, SO15TA.
Welcome tomorrow - Wojtek @SQ9BQW will activate SP/BZ-061
73, Jarek
Short activation report of yesterday.
First summit was SP/BZ-027
Second summit was SP/BZ-069
On both summits I had a chance to play for the first time with Xiegu G90 and I would say that except power consumption that G90 has quite high I cannot say wrong word about this transceiver
Here short pile up report from SP/BZ-027
On SP/BZ-069 it was very fine opening of 10m band - the QSOs map is below
Finally for whole day 132 contacts logged, 7 of them DX
10 S2S logged, 1 of them DX
73, Jarek
Great work Jarek!
Good to work you on 10 m yesterday Jarek. Very strong cw here in SC.
Tom, W4JKC
Tom, it was my pleasure.
Many thanks
73, Jarek
Wojtek @SQ9BQW , welcome onboard
Thank you for your support
73, Jarek
First month of our activity is coming to its end
More results available here: 15-lecie programu SOTA w Polsce
73, Jarek
On coming Saturday is scheduled to activate SP/BZ-030
Stay tuned
73, Jarek
If WX alows also SP/BZ-048 will be activated on coming Saturday
73, Jarek
Hi Friends,
I will start with apologies but today the winner was WINTER, and all plans must have been modified …
I reached starting point of Mountain of Lovers - the second name of SP/BZ-030 Modyń
but parking place was not accessible
the same parking is for SP/BZ-048 so I tried plan B - fortunately parking area of SP/BZ-041 was fine.
The route was cleaned a little by somebody walked before me
but my hope ended in this place …
I tried to go ahead a little but snow was very deep, the reached area was thankfully in AZ so I could activate.
Activation due to difficult environment was only on 2m FM.
My shack after
People playing with winter near to parking area:
Sorry HF chasers, we need wait for next occasion.
BTW: no winter bonus for me today, altitude was too low
73, Jarek