SP-015 Today

This afternoon I hope to be QRV from the summit of The Cloud with a couple of lads from the school radio club. They are inexperienced but would like to make a few contacts. Probably QRV 2m FM/SSB and 40/20 SSB. Will abandon if WX poor (H&S).

Patient callers will be very welcome.



In reply to G3CWI:

I looked for you guys on 40, but after the M6 flare just before midday the band was virtually silent and I didn’t hear a thing from you. Better luck next time!


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G3CWI:
Hello, on 7.115 your signal appeared on the panadapter display and at first you were a manageable signal and then noise suffocated your signal. 40M has been dreadful almost like not having an antenna plugged in. I was using my inverted V and 50W PEP from the Flex5KA. You said you were running 5w so in a flat band (to my ears) not bad going!


In reply to G3CWI:
your signal appeared here but after 1 contact you went before we could try and get me in the log. best band today has been 20m.


Thanks chaps.

While not a classic expedition it was a success. One of the lads passed his Foundation earlier in the day losing just one mark so he was happy to be on the radio. Quite a few contacts made on 2m - handheld only. HF was dire, not only because of the conditions but because of a continuous S8 electrical noise across 20m and 40m. We concluded that an insulator on a nearby run of pylons must be arcing. That made HF a rather unsatisfactory affair. We did make a few contacts on 20 - best signal was Mike DJ5AV.

Throughout the whole time we were up there, a local(?) chap expounded his unique take on science subjects. 5 minutes would have been enough but he was there when we arrived and still there when we left :frowning:

The lads were very nervous speasking on the air but grew more confident towards the end.

Thanks to all callers.


Richard G3CWI
Richard M6BOU
Rob - callsign TBA

Congrats to Rob. Got a new one from my place too - Daniel M6HCD (Year 7).