sotadata bearings

HI. I’m a new chaser. When I click a SOTAWATCH spot’s ID it brings up the SOTAData info on the activation. In there is a line that has Relative to home QTH but the listed bearing is never correct. Not close. I checked my Lat/Long and it is correct.

The distances are wildly incorrect too. Doesn’t match long path either. Nor does it match the distance from the activator’s home QTH.

So I am confused to what these numbers are telling me. Or how to fix them. It would be really nice to point in the correct direction!

Mike / KA4CDN

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Hi Mike. To get a correct bearing you need to look at an azimuthal map, and not the on in your atlas. E.g. from your location that would be something like

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It isn’t.

Maybe if you didn’t set your home QTH as being in Antarctica you would get the right answers.

Your account says -77.26240, 38.92943 i.e 77.26240S , 38.92943E

Probably this is what you want, 38.92943, -77.26240 or 38.92943N 77.26240W

Don’t worry, you’re not the first person to do this. :slight_smile:


Andy MM0FMF,

Duh. Lat. Long. Long. Lat. I’d get lost walking home from the grocery store. Thank you for pointing out my problem!


In a previous rabbit hole, I came across this statement. Which I found interesting. :thinking:

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