SOTA Dinner Friedrichshafen 2025

I will be there also. Count with me.
73 Jorge CT2IQK

Hallo ,möchte mich Anmelden fürn SOTA Dinner 2025, freue mich schon
Danke & 73
markus IN3ADF

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Hallo Joe (and Alles),

Please count-me-in!
Ich bin “gluten-frei”.

Looking forward to catching-up with you all.

73 de Sevim, WB8BHN


Ah man I really wanted to come this year but when I looked in the calendar it clashes with ABR - an adventure motorbike festival in the UK that I’ve already bought tickets for.

I’ll maybe have to change my priorities next year.


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. . . make a note then in your calendar for the next year, Mark!

Vy 73, Markus