SG-LAB 25 watt 23cm Amplifier

Borrow the key to the hut when you go up and flick a switch for the activation?

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Still line of sight and a bit further.

VK2/IL-003, Mount Wanganderry - 830m, 4 Points is pretty similar and I havent done that one this year. What time will you alert for?

Ok let’s do that. Alert posted for 2200 UTC (8 am) VHF-UHF Dx Net. I will stick around for an hour or two and try HF. There is a slight chance of rain, nothing a tarp can’t fix.

Andrew VK1AD

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Wade VK1MIC is the latest edition to 23cm, Wade worked his way through the SG-Lab setup instructions yesterday evening. Well done Wade, I look forward to chasing you on 1296 SSB and of course FM. :slight_smile:

73 Andrew VK1AD

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I can chase from home using the discone, or swing the massive 2 el PCB at some one, cooking their lunch with a blistering 2.5w.