(Semi-)Failed Activation of OE/TI-104 (Pirchkogel) and Request for Advice

I already have a few ideas of how I could have done better (some based on feedback by private messages):

  1. I could have tried to find a free slot in the very low end of the 40m band, like 7.002 or so. When the 7.030 +/- QRP segment was full, I might have changed too quickly to 30m.

  2. I could have stayed on my 30m frequency until running out of time instead of QSYing to 20m when no more callers showed up.

  3. In the future, I will use different earphones, because the ones I was using are light, but do not shield noise from the wind very well.

  4. I could have set up my operating position a bit down from the summit; the problem was that other skiers were to arrive shortly after myself, and I did not want to block their ascent route with my antenna. But this way it was loud and got very cold quickly.

  5. In the alert, I indicated that the activation would be short and uncertain; this might have discouraged chasers from waiting for a contact.

  6. I did not check for contests on 40m in advance; otherwise I might have indicated just 30m in my alert.

Any other ideas?

73 de Martin, DK3IT