S57PZ Activation Report

Activation report of Kum S5/BI-001 by Marko - S56CW, Jure - S53JP
and Zvone S57PZ


and Video:

73, Zvone S57PZ

Video of activation mt.Tošc - S5/CP-013:

73, S57PZ

Activation of Kuk: S5/TK-012 and Crvov vrh: S5/CP-015
by Jure - S53JP and Zvone - S57PZ


73 de S57PZ - Zvone

Activation of Kepa S5/KA-003 by Jure - S53JP and Zvone - S57PZ


73, de S57PZ

Activation Golica S5/KA-013 and Šantanski vrh S5/KA-029 by
Jure - S53JP and Zvone - S57PZ. Sorry no HF activation…


73, Zvone - S57PZ

Photo reportage:
Activation of Stol S5/KA-001 (2236 asl) , Hochstuhl OE/KT-063 ( 2225 asl )
and Vajnež S5/KA-030( 2107 asl ) by Jure - S53JP and Zvone - S57PZ


73, S57PZ

Activation of Smledniški hrib: S5/CP-035, also valid for World Castles Award


Foto - video: - YouTube

73 de S57PZ - Zvone