Review: Helinox Chair One & Chair Zero

Hi Andy. I never tried the Chair Zero with a groundsheet. It’s an interesting solution for certain scenarios, without a doubt. I’m willing to bet that it definitely mitigates the sinking of the legs to a degree, if the chair is set up on a wet/soft/soil-based surface. I honestly think my stability problems arose due to the types of summits we have here in CO (and elsewhere obviously) to be honest, especially the higher ones. So, it’s more likely a geography, surface-dependent, and altitude issue. I’d argue that many (definitely not all) of summits here in CO that approach (or are above tree-line) are tight, small, have awkward angles positioning-wise, and are either all rock, or extremely rocky overall. I found that my antenna placement (priority for me) on the summit or just off the summit always ended up putting me in a less than ideal spot for the chair. Most of the time it was never flat ground. Could I still use the chair? Sure, to a degree. I just felt that shifting around, leaning over to grab stuff, got a little sketchy at times. I may have even taken a tumble or two. Ha. But, it does work. At the end of the day, I wanted something that I could use in pretty much any environment, in any position, or at any angle, that would allow me to still be able to sit up or move around comfortably. The jury is still out on the Crazy Creek chair, but everything about it makes sense to me, for the types of summits I’m on and/or prefer. It also doubles as a ground pad to reduce heat transfer. I feel the Chair Zero or Chair One (along with the groundsheet) is definitely better suited for flatter environments. But that’s just me and how I feel about it. I know there are many here that have probably used the Helinox on steep/awkward ground or otherwise and it works for them just fine. I just never felt it was the best for me, personally. You can’t argue with the low weight benefit of it though! I am definitely keeping it for many other uses. It’s still an awesome chair overall.

I have to add that @K7GUD introduced me to the Crazy Creek chair. It wasn’t my find. I’m sure he can give a much better review.


I agree with W1NV. Crazy Creek Hex 2.0 Chair (1.25lb) is a great SOTA chair for rocky summits, boggy summits, and deep-snow summits. Very stable and comfortable and warm in winter. Set up and take down INSTANTLY. Also, fits perfectly inside a Bothy Bag emergency tent.

Pic below sitting in Crazy Creek on some very boggy wet ground in the Lake District.


I really like my Chair Zero, especially after having acquired the ground sheet for it. I do, however, have the issue where if I’m not careful my legs will go to sleep on me and I won’t realize it until I stand up, only to feel as though I won’t be able to make the hike out. It’s likely due to the front lip of the seat being thin and tight enough to cut off circulation in the back of my legs when they are extended. But I recommend this chair.

Another thing to consider is no chair, and not sitting on the ground. In other words, do the activation standing up. I have done this a couple of times and it is surprisingly nice. You need some kind of board to strap the radio to which will also hold your key and phone (for logging). The last time I did this was due to too much tall, dense, prickly vegetation being on the summit and making the chair not practical.

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I’ve been tempted by the Helinox line, but have stuck with my very un-mountaineering, cheap, camp chair. It’s fairly roomy and easily modded to act as a support for one or even two antennas as shown here on a POTA outing with a visitor in the seat. It has triangular plastic pads so it doesn’t sink much, and I use plastic tent stakes to prevent it from tipping over when I’m not ballast. Surprisingly light at 1.25 kg even though the tubing is steel and not aluminium and the cloth is cotton canvas. Did I mention that it’s very cheap? JS6TMW