Pretending to be s2s callers

When that happens to me, I send the intended chaser ‘his callsign’ de ‘my callsign’ on every over hoping the interfering station realizes that I’m not in QSO with him.


Yep. Same here. And they still show up on my “Who chased me” page.

In my experience, SSB only, asking a pile-up to do anything is like trying to herd cats - just a waste of time.

I have found some callers will respect my request, others will continue as if they haven’t heard my request and, I’m guessing here, some will hear and ignore my request. Trying to reinforce the request just burns more summit time.

I’ll work them as I hear them, log what I work and go home less stressed than if I had tried to direct the masses.



No Andy, they’re rubbish operators.


I am just happy to have the chasers on CW don’t care in what order they call me.
Third world problem.
Happy New Year.
vk5cz …


If I can hear a S2S I just shut down until I hear they make their contacts. I respect that. However, here in the recent past I watched groups or several ops who were more excited about making the S2S and then got their 4 or more and shut down the summit. Those of us sitting and listening found they were gone! So much for that summit. And when there are several on different summits all at once it is very frustrating.


Totally agree!!!

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…and please send QRT or QSY when you’re done, I understand that there are emergency situations when you just can’t continue transmitting, but it has become a regular occurrence that an activator just disappears and reappears on a new band.


Hi Mike,

Sorry to hear about your frustration. Im not as dedicated to chasing S2S as some are so I guess I haven’t experienced the S2S spoof. At least that I know of.

I’ll pay more attention in the future. Thanks for sharing the issue and enjoy your hikes.
73, Fred

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I do not know if this can be or even should be avoided. However, I like the more transparent WWFF Park-2-Park statistics.

Green means, both QSOs are in the DB. This is a full match. Yellow indicates e. g. that the other station has still not uploaded the log. It’s a chase but not P2P. Red means there is a mismatch. For instance, in my Park-2-Park QSO with Jürg (HB9BIN) I know that he logged this with Mode CW instead of SSB, hence the mismatch and red cross in the my P2P statistics. That is a bit harsh but still o. k. for me. The same would have happened if Jürg would not have had DM7KN in his log at all.

73, Peter DM7KN

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We had checking/matching of chases to activations. It doesn’t add anything, it slows down the server and worst of all chasers would edit their chase logs to match the activation log for the confirmation mark.

There’s no plan to restore the facility though we do use it on the MT when there’s something fishy about somebody’s claims.

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I think the vast majority of the Chaser errors are mistakes (as opposed to intentional mis-entries). There are a few things that we can do as Activators to reduce the error rate. One is to send our Callsign frequently (ideally every QSO). It is not infrequent that activators are on a previously used frequency & the chaser may mis-log if he isn’t patient enough to wait for the call. The legal time limit for ID is a long time to wait when the Chasing is hot & heavy.

Another thing I like to do is to check the “Show Who Chased Me” & reach out to the mis-entry operator with a kind note, maybe some photos from the activation, etc. It often leads to some pleasant correspondence and it almost always leads to a log correction.

As a Chaser, the error rate can be reduced by waiting to actually hear the call (instead of logging based on the Spot frequency, and taking care that you clicked the right activation if you are using the “Quick Log” feature on SpotCollector.

Rob - AE7AP

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The General Rules state that “QSOs must comprise an exchange of callsigns and signal reports, it is strongly recommended that the summit identifier be given during each contact.” ( Them’s the rules, though many activators ignore that. I remember an extreme case where someone activated for about thirty minutes without ever giving his callsign. I suppose he thought that it didn’t matter since the call could be seen on Sotawatch! A strict application of the GR would have made his activation invalid.

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Another idea could be to incentivize accurate operating by creating a new “Clean Activator/Chaser” Leaderboard that shows the Activators/Chasers with the highest percentage of matching QSO’s in the log (perhaps with a 1,000 QSO base or similar).

Rob - AE7AP


As I said earlier… when there was a feature that showed when a chase log entry matched an activation log we regularly had chasers changing the details of their logs so they got more matches. i.e if an activator made mistake in their log, chasers changed their accurate logs to inaccurate so they matched the activator’s errant logs. The feature made things worse.


We CW activators should send our callsigns much more often but that wouldn’t solve the problem here. The problem is a chaser knows the activator’s callsign and is claiming [accidentally or deliberately] a valid QSO when it didn’t take place.

As for sending the summit reference on every QSO, this is an unnecessary overhead. As it is a recommendation rather than mandatory, I’ll continue to do what most CW activators do, send it [twice in a row] for every S2S QSO, otherwise from time to time or when requested.

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Same problem on SSB. It’s a society problem, not a ham radio problem, everyone wants to be first.

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+1 for sending activator callsign at least once every qso. Listen to some EU / NA dx sota / wwff when I’m backcountry (so no viaibility of spots) and can sometimes go 15 mins without knowing who’s activating.

Isn’t it a license requiement every qso?

I use “ZL4NVW listening” between QSOs in a pileup instead of QRZ to avoid this. One solution …

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In the UK, no.


New chaser here and I very much appreciate all of the summit activators out there. I apologize in advance if I make a protocol mistake when calling or exchanging information. 73 and Merry Christmas to all de W6LEN / Jess