Thank you all for your kind words!
I’m happy if I can give some new ideas for your own experiments, which to me is great fun to be carried out in nature. OK, maybe not at the Matterhorn.
Also, thanks a lot to the ones that sent me English spelling corrections!
For example, I didn’t know the difference between windings and turns in English. One can always learn new things, not only in the field of technology.
I’m happy to get further correction proposals, but bear in mind that I prefer to go for an activation, instead of staying inside, especially when there is good SOTA weather
I will then create a new document version and edit the link accordingly.
The new version will also include a link to a very interesting article that I saw by chance today:
It’s a very rare find of high quality, and backs several of my observations, which I found out empirically in the field.
73 Stephan