Patience, guys, patience!


Don’t take it too personally, your “nonsense regime” also has sympathizers, hi.
They probably still dream of the situation in the pre-Internet age, so the majority are probably already over 75 and are therefore becoming fewer and fewer, unfortunately.
All the more gratifying to hear that these genes live on in younger technology, radio and mountain enthusiasts like you.

73 keep it up Martin (



I did not find this explanation above so here is what also happens frequently. I have an alert in on the SOTA which will automatically spot me through the RBN. I work my pile-up for 15-20 min and worked many stations. When I call CQ again, if it has been more than 10 min the RBN will again RE-SPOT me. If I do not RX any calls, I change to a different band…So It “APPEARS” I have only been spotted on that frequency for 2-3 mins when I actually have been on that freq for 20-30 min. The RBN will re-spot every 10min every time it sees a CQ. This can be verified by scrolling down the most recent spots to see how long the activator has truly been on that band.
This has been my experience as a chaser and an activator.
Tim - K5DEZ
P.S. This is of course on CW only.


Ben, Nothing to apologise about.

You could have easily qualified the summit using 2m FM and moved on.
But despite the horrendous conditions, you also set-up for HF so others could chase - whilst your XYL and little one were shielding.
After our QSO that day (G/WB-008), I had it easy, seeking cover on whilst hail stones came down.

I recall making 4 contacts in 2 mins on May 22 GW/NW-028 (Creigiau Gleision) - aka The Swamp.
Chasers saw my alert and made contact. Would not have stayed a minute longer.

Looking forward to our next QSO.

73, Robert

June 25, 2022: G/WB-008 - The Golf Course

May 22, 2022: GW/NW-028 - The Swamp


InReach / satellite SMS delays are another cause of apparent short activations. InReach sms messages typicaly take 3-5 minutes to send whilst the device finds satellite coverage, and often as long as 10 mins. After which they go into power saving mode and try once every 20mins to send (by default).

I often realise the spot is still trying to send only when I go to QSY or pack up. Recall being criticised for a ‘3 minute’ activation shown on sotawatch of 20m when the timestamps on me actually submitting spots for 20m and 60m were15 mins apart - for this very reason.

Just one more for chasers to be aware of.