Palm Paddle

In reply to M1EYP:

The IR receiver module. You can mount that inside the 817 if you wish.

EDIT: and here’s the link…


In reply to OE9AMJ:
Just a heads up on the Palm Paddle. I got mine today and was very disappointed when I couldn’t get the “Dah” paddle to work. In addition, the “Dit” paddle was just emitting a continuous tone rather than a series of dits. Looking here I went back and checked the wiring and the cable. All was in order so I was a little befuddled. I then went into my FT-817 menu and double checked to see if I had missed anything. In fact, On the secondary menu (controlling the A/B/C buttons), I noticed that I didn’t have KEY selected (MENU ITEM VOX/BK/KEY)Once I activated that, the paddle worked perfectly. I can only speak for the Yaesu FT-817 but that is an easy setting to overlook. BY the way, if you deselect the BK setting you will be able to practice sending without actually putting anything out on the air.

In reply to KD2FIP:
Treat the lead to the paddle very gently they have a habit of letting go and don’t work sometimes I am on lead number two with new a spare at home. Pity really they are a great paddle to use when all is working right. Tricky little menus catch you every time 73 de Ian vk5cz…

Hi Ian,

Good fun to work you (with the Mini Palm Paddle & Palm Cube) this morning. Unusually, you WEREN’T the best DX of the activation!

Yes, it is rather important to set your rig (I also use a FT-87 with the Palm Paddle) to understand what you have connected to send CW!

Regarding the lead, this is a clear failing of Palm. The lead I had with my original Mini Palm Paddle was very temperamental and needed increasing amounts of random pushing/pulling/poking/squeezing to get it working properley as it got older.

After I upgraded the set up to include the Palm Cube, the supplied connecting lead was found to be too stiff for regular portable use. The inevitable effect was that the lead developed weak points at both ends, right by the plugs. And eventually stopped working.

I bought a cheap 3.5mm jack patch lead from a car audio shop, and this does the job. It is seemingly much more cheaply and less robustly made, but in fact this makes it much “floppier” and more flexible, and therefore able to cope with all the movement it is subjected to by regular portable operating.


In reply to M1EYP:

It must be all in the wrist action Tom! 2008 vintage Palm Paddle here which has been on 200+ activations and the original cable with the 3 pin 0.1in Molex conector is still mint.


In reply to MM0FMF:

Could well be. Or it could be down to usage. My original one was still in good nick at the stage you are currently at (2227 activator CW QSOs). As of this morning, I have now made 12885 CW QSOs on SOTA activations. Eek.