Hi Ariel,
(At my age) I appreciate the benefits of quick deployment for winter activations. I sometimes find my iambic finger and thumb are cold before I even start making contacts. I have the LNR EFT-40/20/10 (12.5m long), LNR EFT-MTR-40/30/20 (19.8m long) and a SOTAbeams 40-30-10 linked dipole with 60m extension added. I use the linked dipole with a 9m pole and - when activating with my smaller backpack – one of the EFHWs with a 4m pole, so my experience isn’t strictly an A vs B comparison.
I operate the LNR EFHWs as slopers (unless there’s a convenient tree) with the matchbox end at full height of the pole and a RG174 feeder down to my KX2. Was your test of the EFHW done this way? Or. do you have the matchbox end at ground level directly into the KX2? Have you tried it both ways? And if so, does it make a difference?
73, Andy