Outdoor Smartwatches

Cheep and cheerful… £2.20 delivered.


Chinese inflation must be very high as in 9 minutes that’s gone up to £2.64.


…but does it have a backlight that’s about as bright as a single Swan Vesta held aloft in the middle of the Atacama Desert?

W-210 does! :star_struck:

As the winter nights draw in, something like this may appeal. nixie tube wristwatch IN-16 golden color limited glowing gas discharge tubes | eBay


I chose a Garmin Instinct that had the unexpectedly low price of $79 (not the latest solar model). Of course the maps/tracking is too small to be useful, BUT there is one feature that is SUPER. It is the trackback. Without looking at the tiny watch face screen it alerts me if I am heading off-track by vibrating on my wrist and clearly shows the direction I need to go with a giant arrow on the watch face. That eliminates the need to check my gps device, phone app or handheld unit.
Definitely water-tight and rugged. Love it!

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Oh yes indeed! Not only Nixies but the display is animated and counts up to the current value so you get to experience that wonderful movement as the different elements light up!

I had an old HP frequency counter about 30 years back. It used Nixies and it was hypnotic watching the display count up. I spent more time watching that than using it to measure things.

$79, so about €90? That’s a great price if it’s an Instinct 2 base model.

Love the idea of a pixie wristwatch! I’d be worried about wearing that on a hike and smashing it on something though.

That W-210 looks like it might be discontinued. There is a W-200 which also does Dual Time, but doesn’t look like it does it on the same screen like the W-210 does.

Nearest equivalent I’ve found is a G Shock B200. There are other models but I don’t know if they have the whole Dual Time ‘simuldisplay’ feature. The B200 is also about €150 give or take.

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Get yourself a Swiss VPN, still £2.20 for me :slight_smile:

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Not sure I can stretch to that. Does the seller accept LV Vouchers, Green Shield Stamps or Esso Tiger Tokens?

Just in case anyone was looking for a Casio AE-1200W ‘Casino Royale’ watch, I found out yesterday that the Zulu time doesn’t work how you think it might.

When you set the secondary, or primary if you wish to, zone on the device, it sets it to UTC but it’s one of those ones that follows GMT/BST IMT/IST in that it’s just +/- 0 and not a 1 hour negative offset of GMT/BST/IMT/IST.

Ergo, it’s just the same time zone. Which is a bit if a shame for an otherwise lovely watch.

Casio do the same model in black. Both models are about £30/€35/$30. There is also the far more expensive, real, Casino Royale model but I think that’s limited edition?

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