Thanks for the contact, Fraser, I was hesitant about calling you because I had a horrendous noise level which might have come from workers spray coating a neighbour’s house! The pile-up was unusually orderly for 40m, with relatively few late callers.
Fancy forgetting ZS! More easily forgotten is IA, Italian islands off the African coast.
I’m currently riding a Triumph ST955i, similar vintage to your R1. I previously had one of the early fuel injected 885i Tigers, it was comfortable with great visibilty, but I struggled with it in crosswinds, especially on one particular trip back from the Western Isles across Skye. The hard luggage is great for storing boots and helmet when changing to “Hill walk” (SOTA) mode. I am presently using Bridgestone T32 tyres which are a softer compound sport touring type but I find them reassuring in the damp (it does occasionally rain here !).
Hopefully I’m not blathering too much off topic here.
The interesting one is Turkey, part Europe but mostly Asia. If we ever get hold of decent maps (and we’ve tried) we will have another Association with regions in two continents!
I was in a hurry and it got lost amongst the assorted ZL associations. Likewise I didn’t have time to check IA… I couldn’t remember if that one was in EU or AF and thought it may have Africa in the name but not be in Africa!
Yes, I bought it 2nd hand off ebay about 12 years ago. I just wanted a basic bombproof radio for going in the Land Rover. It has lots of unusual features.
removable head can be used as a b/t mic.
can be used as a PA
comes with various mounting options, inc. handlebar.
Thats a great wee hill Fraser, I drive past it so often and almost activated it in September on way back from Inverness but started raining heavily so kept going.
You would have had one qso on 2m! I was calling from Ben Wyvis GM/NS-005 at same time, collecting first winter bonus.
When I saw you were QRV at the same time as me, I was kicking myself for not bringing the handheld. We would have managed a S2S no problem. Braw day though.
Well, you’d have done better than me Fraser. 25 watts of 2m SSB / FM to a 5 element produced a big fat zero for me… I must admit much to my surprise! And all that after having to flick ticks off my clothing as I made the ascent… how bad can a day get?