OK1DIG/P not from SOTA

Hi Dan,
i wish you all the best,good luck and a fb recovery ! Hope to hear you on the bands soon again ! allways nice to have qso´s with you…

i´m also out of order in moment. on my last activations all was ok, but now i have to make a short sota break. this time i work on 2 magnetic loops, because no antennas allowed here. maybe i can work the one or other chasers next days if antennas work ok.
after many years of high sports and working as a trainer in various mixed martial arts i have very bad problems with my hips. and thats seems not enough, so also a disc prolapse says hello to me :frowning: mhhhh, seems the next weeks also no sota from me :frowning:

so again, i wish you all the best and a speed recovery Dan !!!

vy 73 Klaus DF2GN

In reply to DF2GN & OK1DIG:
Hi Dan & Klaus, I wish you good recovery. More or less we all are suffering the weight of years and youth excesses…
73 es GL de Mikel (now on arm rehab…)

Dane, preji brzke uzdraveni. At jsi zase co nejdriv na kopci
Standa OK1AU

In reply to DF2GN:
Hi Klaus,
thanks for your wishes. Yes I am missing SOTA badly.
I would have never expected to end up with double heart
arteria bypass just couple of weeks ago. So you have to
enjoy every minute of this nice hobby.
Sorry to hear about your health problems,just hope it
wont be a big obstacle for you.
Fine about your mag. loop antenna experiments.I am using
a magnetic loop myself for long time and the antenna performs
very well. i wonder how your 2 magnetic loops wil work for you.
In the next days i will try some experiments with indoor mag.
loop from my health resort room.

Good luck Klaus and i wish the best for you healing your problems.

73s Dan / OK1DIG

In reply to OK1DIG:
Hi, Dan,

it was a big surprise to know about your surgery ! I wish you speed recovery and I´m looking forward your next activity !

Vrata OK1KT

In reply to EA2CW:
Hi Mikel, that is a good point you made.
Yes since 1975 when I got my first license
I went through many various ham radio excesses.
But I dont regret at all.

Welcome in the club and fast recovery.

73s Dan / OK1DIG

In reply to OK1AU:
Díky Stando,
věřím, že se brzy uděláme.

73 Dan OK1DIG

In reply to OK1KT:
Hi Vrata,

believe me it was a big surprise for me as well.
The docs say I am recovering fast. I am able to walk
several km with sticks. One SOTA is just 4km from
the health resort, so maybe soon …

73s Dan OK1DIG