OARC SOTA Activity Day - 8th July 2023

Last year the Online Amateur Radio Community completed its first SOTA Activity Day with 15+ folk heading up hills, some of them doing their first ever activations. We’re going to repeat this in 2023, and because I am very lazy and forgetful I have only just realised I hadn’t posted a thread about it. We’ve chosen the 8th July for this as it matches days of SOTA activity planned in EI and GW (and maybe elsewhere?)

Our mini site on the OARC Wiki has details for 2023, including a list/map of where people will be operating on the day (this is being edited as we go and hopefully will have a few more additions). We may well have a few first-timers again, as well as a few more seasoned ops.

If you do hear an OARCer online do please give them a call. Everyone has been told to post alerts (we’ll get that checked this week as some will have forgotten) and also know to post spots on the day. I will also encourage the activation report side of things again as a major part of this.

I have put in a request for good weather, we’ll see what happens…


I cant find the “thread” or section on OARC… however, i plan on going up Billinge hill G/SP-017 on the 8th… ill try and time it early afternoon, and there may be 2 of us! Myself and Duane - 2E0DIJ

Cheers - Alan

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On OARC Discord: Literally just come to the #portable-and-sota channel, it hasn’t gone anywhere :stuck_out_tongue:

For the wiki/to add your name to our list, follow the “mini site” link above and scroll to the bottom. If you don’t have wiki edit access let me know and I’ll add you.

More important is your alert, obviously :wink:


I had intended to pop up Billinge myself as i only live 15mins away. Be aware there are yellow thunderstorm warnings for Wigan from 12 noon till about 4pm. (As per met office).

Stay safe.

Alerts up, for some reason i cant add to the wiki, that was my first port of call wants a login ir something, but no-where to register?? Anyhow! Ill be there, as per alert!

Cheers - Alan

Im going up for about 1000 UTC (1100 bst) and just having an hour or so! Might see you there!

Cheers - alan

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Well, a washout today for some of us but others did make it out. Haven’t heard reports from everyone yet.

I’m so disappointed - I’ve organised this two years in a row and personally have had a bad time during both :frowning: didn’t get out at all

But others did have fun, so I can take things from that.

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Challenging conditions today. Very windy on Dumyat GM/SS-216, pole came down a couple of times. Managed a few s2s including Chris MM0UHR/P on GM/SS-272. Mostly 2m today but one qso on 40m in amongst the static crashes which gave me the hint to get off the top before it got there.
It’s unfortunate the weather wasn’t more cooperative today, especially after the nice weather a few weeks ago.

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I was going to head outside to get you up on Dumyat but it started showering a bit down here - managed to work Chris though.

Then caught MM0OKO up Scald Law for an OARC 2fer :slight_smile:

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Managed 10 contacts and 3 S2S in 15 mins on Billinge… Wanted to go down the band and chase some S2S, but got rained off :frowning: Gutted… but activation managed!

Cheers - Alan


I managed to catch MM0OKO/p on Scald law for an s2s myself just before I bailed out. It was feeling very thundery but I managed to get home and the rain started just as I went in to the house.

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Yeah shame he bad to bail on his Ben Lomond plans.

We had two first time activators out today, @M1SDH and @GM5DNA - maybe others too



Shame about the rain, but good to see you out and about again.

Also good to meet you in person on summit today too and that we hadn’t dried up the qsos.

If the wind is blowing you can get some shelter on one side of the tower but it seemed to be coming straight down. Luckily the lightning didnt arrive till about 3pm.



yes Ian, good to meet you… I could have carried on, I had the intention once i worked the “pile up” to go down the band and chase the S2S! was good TBH, just a shame about the weather! if it looks iffy next time, ill be taking the tarp!

Thanks buddy - Alan