NS7P Reaches 60,000 Chaser Points

Congrats, Phil. That’s a lot of work!

Mike, N4VBV

Congrats Phil. You have the best ears in the west. It’s a rare activation when you aren’t in the log.

Congrats Phil on hitting the 60K chaser point level. Takes a lot of time and effort to do that and I was glad the needed points were from the summit Martha and I were on at the time. Always glad to have you in my log also when you’re activating. On to the next level. :slight_smile:
Gary a. - W0MNA

Thanks for all of the kind words and congratulations. 60k is a large sum and it represents many, many hours of sitting in the shack as well as making myself available to be there. The thing is - I love it! One of the great things about this is working with a great bunch of hams who are skilled, friendly and considerate. It’s the most fun I have had in over 40 years of hamming.

I will continue to chase as much as I can, but I am turning some of that energy to activating. I intend to reach Mountain Goat and will spend a lot more of my time out in the mountains. I live in a beautiful state (Oregon) and have much to see while my health remains good. SOTA is a great motivation for this, and the exercise is a key part of maintaining that good health.

Thanks for all of your support. See you soon.

Phil, NS7P