(Non)Activation of TF/SV-043

I was going to activate TF/SV-043 this morning, when a powerful earthquake (5.7 Richter) shook the earth. It originated very close to the mountain I was going to activate, and even opened a crack in the ground, letting out steam on the walking path leading to the mountain.

Iceland is a Geothermal area with lots of Hot Springs, and Geysers. We use the hot water for our swimming pools and house heating. The Mid Atlantic Ridge runs through Iceland…

A quick decision was made to activate TF/SV-041 instead. A big thanks to the 19 chasers that made it into the log today.

73´s and see you soon on another SOTA outing - Siggi TF3CW


Hi Siggi,

abracadabr, the ground is opened and you found a swimming pool full of warm water. What to do? Go on the summit or … Aaahhhh, beautiful warm water!

73 Ludwig

Indeed it was nice to contact you an a 2nd activation within a short period of time with my 5 W QRP and 3m long whip antenna, lucky me I was one of the 19.
Cuagn 73 Patrick ON4BCA

Missed you Siggi on that one. Glad you took another route. Stay safe!
John Paul // AB4PP

Hi there Patrick… It was nice to hear your signal again, a true 599 was the report, very nice with your 5W and Whip antenna…

Hope to QSO you on many other SOTA Summits. :slightly_smiling_face:

73 Siggi TF3CW

Hi John Paul, and thanks for the feedback. I plan to activate TF/SV-043 ASAP, as the ground stops shaking… :grin:

Hope to QSO then, I will always send an Alert before my activations…and speaking of the ground shaking, just now while I am typing this there was another earthquake that vibrated through the house…
The geologists predict this might end in an volcanic eruption, here in Southern Iceland, but we have had many eruptions through the ages.

73´s Siggi TF3CW