NEW IATA Lithium battery flight guidance

Yes, but divided by the number of cells, so a 3S pack got about 250-275mA charge rate per cell.

I’m just about to make a Scotman’s KX2 battery charger. I have a genuine Elecraft battery that I have never used, I balked at buying an Elecraft charger because my sporran is very difficult to open! But it will be useful to be able to use the KX2 internal battery for some plans… I found an LM317, a few BC547s and a handful of resistors and I’ll make a 250mA CC charger for the KX2 pack. I’ll be able to drive it from the same unregulated wall wart that powers the old 3S charger from olden times.

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I’m somewhat bemused that the same human would splash out on an Elecraft rig but scrimp on cobbling a homebrew charger for it… :wink:

Over the years in my job I have worked with many smartphone companies that use our semiconductor designs in their phones. The result is I know how much phones cost to design and make. It’s why I buy cheap end Android phones and not iPhones because I know the cost and don’t want to pay 15000% idiot tax on high end phones. Likewise I know how much it costs to make a constant current charger and having spent a sporran wilting amount on a KX2 I wasn’t prepared to spend about £50 or more on £5 worth of electronics. Especially when I can make such a thing myself and revel in my own smugness at saving some money!


Keep in mind that IATA rules are mostly for folks shipping dangerous goods (not the usual passenger).

Source I was an IATA certified shipping classification person until about a year ago (I retired and let my certification lapse).

73, Jim KK0U

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Former IATA certified for shipping dangerous goods, until shortly before retirement. You are spot on, have to look at rules for passengers which are different and usually on the airline website. I am certain if we met on the air we could share some interesting stories. Perhaps the most challenging task was shipping a satellite that had explosive bolts, radiated components, custom built batteries and loaded on a C-5A in accordance with AFR 71-4. Our customer was the USAF.

Howard KE6MAK