The reason why I was in the south of France, during a “canicule” in august 2024:
Peter Genyn is my son-in-law. The nearest summits in the neighbourhood of our stay: F/PE-285 and F/PE-376.
F/PE-285: Ausseing Tour, 632m.
I wasn’t lucky: cloudy weather, fog and rain on the top. After 6 QSO’s I’ve started the descent.
F/PE-376, Mont Saboth, 514m.
The sun was shining, but it was very difficult for me to make some QSO’s on this location with an Atas 25 vertical. Just 2 contacts: @IK0QNZ and @DG1NPM on 20m. No points but I’ve activated the summit! At the end, just for the fun, on 28 Mhz., out of the blue: @4X6HU!
Not disappointed at all. The Pyreneeën in France: just the beginning of a next step in my SOTA adventure!
73, ON4ROB