Mountain Goat #4 for Christian, HB9GIN

On New Years Eve we planned to activate a summit on alpine touring skis. The snow and avalanche situation forced us to turn 80m of altitude under the summit and we almost missed the 4th mountain goat for @HB9GIN.

To save the day we had to convince an employee at the chair lift that goes up to Calmut HB/GR-292 to let us ride for a single ride (there is no cashier at the bottom of the lift as it is part of the skiing area of Andermatt). After we explained our dilemma to said employee, he was very understanding and would let us slip through for one ride. Quite late in the day we were able to catch that 4th Mountain Goat for Christian, still in 2022!

Congratulations to you, Christian! Hope we’ll make our originally planned summit eventually, anyway!

73 de Beni HB9HNT


Thanks for the story, Beni.

Many activations, goats or other special SOTA events have their background story which others are not aware of. Give up and turn back can be tough, but safety first. Lucky guys that you had found a bypass nearby, since Calmut is a nice one for everyone. Congrats to Christian to take home this goat that day all the same!

There is an official way to get up there that needs preparation, but good to read that your story was impressive enough to the staff to let you do your stuff on Mt. Calmut. See here for the sunshine story to do so: SOTA Reflector.

4 goats are a comfortable number since you can group them by two or take the herd. Anyhow, enjoy your success Christian!

73, Markus HB9DIZ


Hi Christian

Very good to hear such great news at the beginning of the new year. CONGRATULATIONS on your 4th mountain goat. At least now you have a challenging goal for this year: Nr. 5.
Thanks for all the many nice and informative QSOs we’ve had from summit to summit. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed them all! And I look forward to many more.

73, Fritz HB9CYX

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Christian, congratulations on your 4th MG and thanks to Beni for the story!
Definitely better safe than sorry.

And thank you Christian for the many S2S we had on 2m FM in the past, even when I was in the Vosges or the Black Forrest it worked, since you were so high up in the Alps!

Have fun and 73, Stephan

Good evening Christian @HB9GIN.

Congratulations on reaching the 4th mountain goat :+1: :beers: :goat: Thanks for the QSOs so far, even though many of mine were often portable during a geocache tour or similar. Sometimes there were also s2s between us. I am looking forward to our next QSO and wish you continued fun with the hobby.

73 Marcel DM3FAM

Hallo Christian,
Gratuliere zur 4.Berggeis.
Wie es der Zufall wollte haben wir uns auf dem Hochwang Getroffen,
das hat mich sehr gefreut,Villeicht klappt es ja wieder einmal auf einem Berg in der Schweiz :switzerland:
73 Heinrich IW3AGO


:goat: :goat: :goat: :goat: Well done!
73 and HNY!

Hi Christian,

congrats for your :goat: No 4! Hope for more QSO in 2023.

73, Ludwig

Congratulations to your 4th mountain Goat, Christian.

73 Jens