I saw the joke Tom, once I realised I had dropped a clanger with the contest finish time! Thank you for the QSO in last night’s 80m CW Contest (017/014 at 20:17). I think it is right to say you were the only “recognisable SOTA operator” who I worked in the 90 minute session. I was using the callsign G4BP representing Scarborough ARS. After a slightly late start at 20:04 I ran on 3517 KHz for the whole session, I made 123 contacts being rather out of practice in domestic contests. I hope to do a few more of these short contests this year. The highest number I received at 21:29 just before the finish was 154 from GM4Z.
If those CW learners have a home station and are seeking to improve their Morse skill should have a go in these events, it’s a great way to improve your character recognition. I didn’t expect to work so many of the short special 3 letter UK and other EU countries contest calls. They weren’t around when I last took part in this type of contest ten years ago.
73 Phil de G4OBK / G4BP