Would you recommend ditching Croft Head from our Monday plan Andy, but also sticking with White Coombe on the Friday? Thus leaving Croft Head for a future trip?
Or have you any other thoughts looking at our plans?
TBH, I can’t envisage the wx holding all week and allowing all this anyway!
It’s difficult, maybe a few routes to choose from gives you more coverage depending on WX.
I did Croft Head and Scawd Fell years ago with Brian G4ZRP and Sara, Mrs. FMF. It was a long route of about 13.5miles. Parked at NT107042 by the bridge, walked mainly along Southern Upland Way forest tracks only a short walk over horrible moor to Scawd Fell. There’s a brilliant path from the SUW up Cat Shoulder to Croft Head. The way out is back the way you came.
I did Ettrick Pen and Capel Fell by parking at the end of the road at Potburn NT138088. Along SUW, take track to foot of Ettrick Pen, up the hill and back to SUW then along SUW to Capel Fell. Back out along SUW to Potburn. Be aware they have planted a new forest along the lower slopes of Ettrick Pen and it was a nightmare. Lots of furrows and knee deep holes full of mud and water. It was difficult walking and dodgy leg breaking ground. The saplings will have grown a bit now so you should be able to see a route around rather than my straight through route. As you will be up Etrrick Valley at Tushielaw I’m assuming this is your intended plan with adding on Croft Head if you feel up to it.
The other route is to park at the fish farm at Selcoth/Sailfoot NT136073 along track to NT137076 then up the ridge to Croft Head. Down Cat Shoulder, along SUW and up Capel Fell. Then NW of Capel Fell and out on the forest tracks to the car. That’s a nice loop but omits Ettrick Pen. Also you have to drive out of Ettrick Valley and around, so it’s probably 70km there and back.
The long drive is the downside! So pragmatic plan would be to drop Croft Head and do Potburn->Ettrick Pen->Capel Fell->home. You may be up to it, I don’t think I’d enjoy all 3 on the same day Dumping Croft Head, of course, leaves a stand-alone summit not near much else to bag at a later date.
It’s hard work this SOTA planning… but also huge fun.
For the day that we are planning to activate Capel Fell GM/SS-082, Croft Head GM/SS-100 and Ettrick Pen GM/SS-074, we are planning to park the car at the end of the road at Potburn and visit these 3 SOTA summits as one circular walk. I expect however we will probably not bother with Croft Head GM/SS-100 on this circular walk. That is unless we drop Ettrick Pen GM/SS-074 instead move this to the following day where we plan to activate Andrewhinney Hill GM/SS-083 as a one summit day, if doing Andrewhinney Hill GM/SS-083 and Ettrick Pen GM/SS-074 is doable in one day. I have noticed that RHB Walkers have bagged Capel Fell GM/SS-082, Croft Head GM/SS-100 and Ettrick Pen GM/SS-07 as one circular walk and recently Alan @MM0VPM activated these 3 SOTA summits in one day, but unsure of his route though.
I have thought as well that about the possible to activating Scawd Fell GM/SS-142 and Croft Head GM/SS-100 on a future trip as a circular walk from the park spotting mentioned by Andy @MM0FMF when he activated these SOTA summits with the late Brian G4ZRP, but this looks far too long a circular walk though. This is why I was thinking that it would be easier to bag Croft Head GM/SS-100 from Potburn which is nearby where we are staying or the Fish Farm which as you say, you have to drive around the Ettrick Valley and around.
We did also look at the option of maybe activating Scawd Fell GM/SS-142 as a one summit day on the day that we drive home, but decided that White Coomb GM/SS-030 was a better option. The route we are planning for White Coomb GM/SS-030 is the Grey Mare’s Trail to the top of the waterfall and then turn left to ford river (assuming ford is crossable on day) and following path by wall to summit. However I noticed that the Grey Mare’s Trail goes by a steep edge and the trouble with that it is my dad Tom @M1EYP suffers from vertigo so I am unsure as to whether or not my dad will be OK with walking that part of the Grey Mare’s Trail.
Andy - you mentioned about activating Minch Moor GM/SS-133 on one of your days off from work. Just wondering if you are off work on Thursday 24th August which is the day that we plan to activate this SOTA summit because if so, maybe we could meet up for a joint SOTA activation. However as mentioned above, plans for the week will most likely change, but you are welcome to join us any any SOTA activations or for a drink at Tushielaw Inn in the evening which is where we are staying or possibly at The Border in Kirk Yetholm which we plan to visit after Hownam Law GM/SS-197 which at the moment we plan to activate on Wednesday 23rd August.
Jimmy M0HGY
My route
In order Ettrick Pen, Capel Fell, Croft Head. If repeating I’d do Croft Head then Capel Fell.
The forest to the south east of Croft Head is still not cleared from one of the big storms we had and the Southern Upland Way is diverted up over Croft Head.
Total distance 18.5km, 6.5hrs walk time.
Thank you for sending over this track Alan, this is very useful. Our route is similar, but planning to approach Capel Fell GM/SS-082 via the ridge to the north of summit which goes over White Shank and Smidhope Hill. The circular walk route we were planning to do is the “Ettrick Horseshoe” route which is the route that Martyn @M1MAJ and Caroline @M3ZCB when they activated Capel Fell GM/SS-082 and Ettrick Pen GM/SS-074, but we may add Croft Head GM/SS-100 between Capel Fell GM/SS-082 and Ettrick Pen GM/SS-074 if time allows us to do this.
Jimmy M0HGY
Jimmy, I’m exceptionally lucky that, within reason, I can work whatever days I want. However, things do arise at work at short notice so it’s a little harder to commit to anything in stone till nearer the day. But I reckon it will be a nice change to wander up a hill either with you and Tom or meet you at a summit.
Thank you for letting us know this Andy. If you would like to join us for a SOTA activation, drop one of us a message the night before to check what our plans are for the following day. Will be nice to do a joint SOTA activation with you if work isn’t too busy for you and wx is good.
Jimmy M0HGY
“Be aware they have planted a new forest along the lower slopes of Ettrick Pen and it was a nightmare. Lots of furrows and knee deep holes full of mud and water. It was difficult walking and dodgy leg breaking ground. The saplings will have grown a bit now so you should be able to see a route around rather than my straight through route”
You can circumvent the trauma by going further round the hill after the path evapourates, then bash up to the crest missing out trampling through the small trees all together, it’s grassy - easy peasy.
The slopes south of Croft Head towards Scaw’d Fell have been stripped of trees, ie much felling and subsequent brush etc, also note the the trees in square 1505 are mostly lying down as a big giant sneezed and blew them over, so no path through down in the valley.
That’s a shame as it was a nice walk. ISTR last time I was out that there were signs saying there was a new upper route to the SUW that went up to Gateshaw Rig then along to Croft Head bypassing the forest below. Again ISTR it may have been because there were/are harvesting plans ongoing.
Yes the “diversion sign” for the SUW was there beside the rather nice dry-stonewall sheep pen (and very nicely made it and all the other ones between there are Potburn are - someone paid a lot of money for that work!) The SUW now, as you say, running up over Croft Head - means that you get a better view of the waterfalls on the zig-zags or even from the handily placed bench!
I went down the valley last year and this is what it looked like.
The path had been cleared at the worst places.
Andrew G(M)4VFL
Snap! I knew I’d seen that view before.
And here’s the path through the valley that’s not so clear cut any more.
Planning some walks next week near Tinto, so hope to get you S2S on a few.
We are now activating Calkin Rig GM/SS-196 on Sunday at 14:30 UTC rather than 12:30 UTC. This is because we are planning to watch England vs Spain in the Women’s World Cup Final at The Douglas Hotel in Langholm. I am very sorry to those in Spain (EA), but COME ON ENGLAND (G).
Jimmy M0HGY
After 4.5 hours sleep it was time to get cracking once again. Jimmy and I set off for Scotland, reaching the border village of Langholm just before 10am. In good time for a hearty Scottish breakfast at Nice Bites cafe and then into the Douglas Hotel to watch the World Cup Final.
We lost, but no complaints. We gave everything, but were narrowly beaten by the only team in the world that is superior to England at present.
Next it was SOTA time, and a short drive around to Calkin Rig GM/SS-196. This was around a five mile round trip walk, but including a long energy-sapping steep ascent up tussocky damp slopes. The summit area was quite pleasant especially with the sun coming out and illuminating a fabulous vista to the north east.
I made 34 contacts on 20m CW and SSB including 6 S2S. Jimmy managed 12 - 4 S2S on 20m SSB, and 8 on 2m FM.
Next a 45 minute drive to the legendary Tushielaw Inn where we are staying this week for our little hiking holiday. Settled in to our rather nice rooms with lovely views, then down to the bar for drinks and food.
Day 2 - Hownam Law GM/SS-197
Not really in the vicinity of Tushielaw, but an outlier left out from other GM trips. Jimmy 'HGY was keen to “tidy it up”. An hour’s drive through beautiful scenery, so no problem.
A pleasant enough walk through rolling farmland, and then striking up to an ancient hillfort summit. It was mainly a nice day but we did need our bothy bags to shelter from a heavy shower on the summit.
Jimmy made just 3 QSOs on 2m FM but added two S2S on 20m for the qualification. I made 16 QSOs on 20m SSB/CW (including the same two S2S as Jimmy) and added one on 2m FM. Sadly Andy GM6PJZ/P on GM/SS-172 operating on 2m FM couldn’t RX our calls.
We then visited the nearby Border Hotel in Kirk Yetholm, a sentimental place for us as the culmination of our Pennine Way trek 17 years ago.
I did go to a local high spot to try to work you on 2m. I didn’t receive you even with the squelch left open but did work @GM6PJZ/P.
I may get out to try for Minch Moor chase today which looks a better profile for VHF.
Have a nice day 73 Andrew G4VFL
I heard someone call S2S as I was working Andrew @G4VFL (thanks for making the effort to get out and chase us). I called back for the S2S, but didn’t hear any response. I don’t know if you moved. It might have just been a freak alignment of our antennae in the wind!
My first 2 summits were thoughtfully provided with wire fences to support a tarp as a wind break and support the antenna mast. I wish farmers further south followed the example of their Lanarkshire colleagues in avoiding the use of barbed wire! Summit 3 was devoid of any shelter though I did find an old metal fence post to secure the mast to. It was also devoid of VHF chasers forcing me to rig the HF aerial.
Let’s hope for more luck S2S today Tom and Jimmy
I think I have just sent my ref, wrongly, as SS-114 a few times. I am on SS-144.
Seems you’re just out of reach for me on most bands, but it looks like it’s all going swimmingly.