Memorial for EA2IF (SK)

We considered that but with SOTA being international it was thought to be too difficult to implement.
I’m glad that the raffle seems to have general support though

Barry GM4TOE


Hi Barry and MT,
thanks for organizing this special activity and for the great support from the many friends of Guru.

As a complementary activity we are managing to get a number of special callsigns that will probably be on air at least on Saturday 11-march-2023 (weather permitting) to commemorate the anniversary of Guru’s death.

We will try to have several SOTA activation that day from different EA regions running with these special callsigns.
I will provide more details when arranged as soon as possible.

I’m sure Guru will be happy to hear anyone running with his Palm key sending dits and dashes on air again.
73 de Ignacio


I think you mean 11 March 2023 Ignacio - though in any case, that is the end of the qualifying period for the raffle, so the winner won’t have the prize to use on that day - it will be some days later.

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Yes I do! Thanks for spotting the typo, corrected now.

Correct, we know MArch 11th is the last day of the raffle, we choose it on purpose for being in the weekend and facilitate the multiple ops activation that day.

Cheers 73


What a wonderful idea, a fitting tribute to Guru, and an encouragement for more of us to activate with CW.

Thankyou Guru and the MT.


That’s a very nice initiative.
Does one have to sign up or is this automatic in some way?
Mikel EA5IYL

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All you have to do is make sure all your activations are entered in the database. We will actually do the draw a week or so after the end date so everyone has a chance to enter their logs. Everything else is automatic.


Thanks a million! My logs are all in.

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It’s a great idea. I was very happy and excited that he uploaded the recording of OSO with me on JA/OY-060 to youtube.
I’m planning to activate the same JA/OY-060 on March 11, 2023.

Seiji JG4LCS


Only three cw activations since march from my side. What a shame…
Well still some time left.
It would be a highlight in my keys collection.
But I guess I won’t keep it. Rather provide it as a trophy for another challenge.
73 Martin

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If i’m lucky i’ll go back to the beginning! :grinning:
CT1HIX Gomes

Just actually read the rules following Andy’s @MM0FMF post regarding Guru’s postumous 58th birthday and I have five more activations with >= 4 CW QSOs to have the full complement of entries.

I’ve been having issues with 2m on my FT-817ND but it appears to be behaving itself at the moment, so will try and complete the remaining four using it (if it ever stops raining in the Lake District).



Very nice idea!

I’m in.

Just throwing this out as a idea. What about making this a annual sub-award within SOTA and Paddle gets passed annually from winner to winner? One time deal-memories fade. Annually it lives on.

Also, Some type of sub-branch of this award (EA2IF Memorial Award) to those who contribute above and beyond to the SOTA community and have-will eventually pass on.


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Just a reminder the opportunities to gain qualifying activations closes in less than two weeks. I’m guessing at 2359 hours UTC on 11 March but I won’t be leaving it that late. :slight_smile:

I’ve only got (I think!) 7 qualifyers but I’m trying for one tomorrow and hopefully two more on Friday. This should give me two “golden tickets” for the draw! :slight_smile:

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I had hoped to gain another ticket for the EA2IF memorial key raffle but unfortunately I have to accept defeat.

I need another 3 qualifying activations to gain my 6th ticket. (If my maths is correct). I had it mind to do my classic 3 summit round of St Sunday Crag G/LD-010, Fairfield G/LD-007, and Seat Sandal G/LD-022. Unfortunately my youngest son has had tonsillitis, so he’s been off school. Tuesday was a gorgeous day here, it would have been an awesome day for Lake District SOTA, but I was looking afer my son. Yesterday I had to work and it was another nice day, not quite as nice as the day before, but it would have a good SOTA day.

My work route (I’m a delivery van driver) had great views of Ingleborough G/NP-005 most of the day.

Whernside G/NP-004 left horizon, Ingleborough G/NP-005 right horizon, my home town of Bentham seen in the valley.

The weather forecast for today and tomorrow is for snow and gale force winds, so there’s little chance for SOTA.

Saturday I have to attend an 18th birthday party lunch in Skipton, so SOTA is off the radar then too. :frowning:

Just letting off steam! Looks like I’ll just have to accept my 5(.4) tickets for the raffle.

I would still like to get some more winter bonus, and I’d like to work EG4IF if the call is active on Sunday as suggested in another thread. Fingers crossed for good weather on Sunday.

73, Colin


Hi Colin,

We’ll do our best to put EG4IF also on air on Sunday, we know this extra call is on everybody’s wish list.

Thanks a lot for your call the other day while activating for EG2GURU on EA2/VI-044, you made me rather happy, despite I thought at first you were a MJ call, sorry for making it a bit challenging, hi!

I guess you’ll still get the chance for a S2S down in March.
73 Iggy


As there is interest in doing QSO with EG4IF, on Sunday the 12th, Elena and Alejandro (EA4DOS and EA4DON) will be in the air as EG4IF from a summit in Madrid. They will try to delay the start to try QSO on the other side of the pond. They will announce the schedule and summit in Sotawatch.

73 de EA4R Alf

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The qualifying period has now closed. I’ll allow 2 weeks for everyone to get their logs submitted. I’ll then run the draw and we can announce who will receive Guru’s paddle.


Just to bump this back to the top.

There is one more week for you to get your logs entered before I snapshot the logs and I run the code and generate raffle tickets for this. I’ll use the daily backup that gets generated about 1930UTC for the snapshot.

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