M1BUU/P Buckden Pike G/NP-009

I had a lovely night on Seatallan G/LD-025.

I set off after work at 5pm, cycling up into Wasdale, parking on the road. The walk in was quite fun, I enjoy night time navigating and it was made more fun by the thick mist.

It was probably 8pm by the time my antenna was setup, and then I ate some food (army MRE using a flameless ration heater).

I was using a new radio - a self built QMX, witha Venus SW3B as backup

The QMX did bot behave itself, and Inhave now discovered a poor solder joint where i had not sufficiently burnt the enamel off some magnet wire

20m and 40m seemed quite poor, although I did get a QSO into the U.S. on 40m. I spent most of the time chatting on 2m.

I got a good sleep and, and could see M1BUU calling, but couldn’t hear you on 20m …and you didn’t seem to move across to 40m

I spent some time checking out my digipeater and the headed down at about 0930hrs.

I was using a Hilleberg Akto tent, but it was such a still night that almost anything would have been sufficient.

I really enjoy camping at the time of year.


I found that adding camping to a SOTA activation certainly bumps up the complexity. I’ve never done a summit camp before.

I’d definitely like to try some more summit camps. I suppose I need to think of a better antenna solution.

73, Colin


I like to use an EFHW, and to leave it up overnight so I can put a few calls out in the early hours


I’ll have to have a go at building an improved EFHW that’s a bit more robust. I made a lightweight EFHW intended for my cycle trip to the Hebrides in the summer. I didn’t intend to use the antenna as much as I have.

I need to go through my equipment and properly refresh everything. My antennas and power leads are all getting tired.
