Log 4 QSOs only?

In reply to F5HTR:

but do the non valid points count ?

Yes, because they ARE valid. They may not be confirmed by the activator (for many different reasons), but they all count towards your score.

As a chaser you should keep an eye on the *s and perhaps double-check the logs where the * doesn’t appear, but if you are satisfied that the QSO is good, keep it in your log and it will be accepted for awards.

The usual reason for a * not appearing is because of activators who like you have just been submitting the first 4 QSOs of an activation! Hopefully this is rare, but I do know of a regular activator who never submits any QSOs - not even one!


In reply to F5HTR:

Bonjour Bob

Whilst you are correct that unverified chaser QSOs (those without the *) are valid for SOTA, it must be remembered that many chasers only believe that a SOTA QSO is complete when they see the * in their chaser list.

If chasers know that QSOs with you (after the first four) will never receive the *, they MAY decide not to bother having a QSO with you at all. Surely that would spoil your enjoyment more than the task of adding all activator QSOs to the database?

I find that the task is not too onerous. I type the QSOs into my main logging program first, which is time-consuming. However, from there it is easy. Just export an ADI file of the contacts and use the excellent ADI2SOTA program by Alain F6ENO to produce a csv file for upload to the SOTA database. The same ADI file can be used to upload to eQSL and LOTW without any significant extra effort.

73 de Les, G3VQO

In reply to F5HTR:


I did not see your email on your QRZ page nor you web site.

Could you please send me your address to on6zq (at) on6zq.be ? I propose we check together in private what the trouble is. Hopefully we shall resolve the issue quite easily.

Christophe, ON6ZQ

(La suite peut se faire en français)

In reply to G4OIG:

Personally, I paper log on the summits, use an Excel spreadsheet for
my written record at home and manually enter the contacts into the
database. Okay, I only work between 10 and 50 contacts per activation,
so maybe it is not such an issue for me to make two separate entries,
but I would say that entering the information into the database takes
priority over my log, every time.


My efforts at logging are on the same lines as yours with one significant exception which may be helpful to reluctant typists:-

I NEVER type info twice.

The Excel (Actually LibreOffice) has four sheets.
One for data entry (The Log);
Two for Activation Log, which is a copy-paste-shuffle columns that gets copied and pasted into a clean file for export as csv;
Three for Chaser log, essentially the same;
Four for Unique s2s for Summitsbase by a similar copy-paste-shuffle columns process.

Then I show my Luddite tendencies by keeping a handwritten paper log in a standard RSGB book. (That is clearly unnecessary extra work and I expect I shall give up one day.)

Hope this might help someone keep things under control.


In reply to ON6ZQ:

Salut Christophe !
mon adresse est sur QRZ.com
il faut se logger pour voir les Email !

Je ne suis pas informaticien ! aussi pour ce matin j’en ai eu mon grade ! des fichiers que j’essaye de convertir, de transformer, modifier etc… je t’avoue que je suis perdu. C’est comme essayer de se logger sur LoTW !!!


In reply to M1EYP:

Hi Tom,
just wonder, if that mentioned person is logging some contacts as chaser ?
If not, I guess not a real interested SOTA participant.


In reply to DJ5AV:
Hello Mike,

The policy of SSEG from the start of SOTA is that ALL GX0OOO/P - (G4YSS) QSO’s are logged in the database but there is a wide spectrum of interest and submitting a log of any kind is purely voluntary. Some ops with busy lives may simply not have time, though I completely understand your frustration.

CUAGN on 40CW!
73 John G4YSS.

In reply to M0KCB:

maybe I am just having a DOH moment but why would a person do an
“activation” and not submit a log? they wont get any activator points!

Perhaps somebody who really believes that SOTA is not or should not be competitive and has drawn the logical conclusion that therefore no record need be kept by him. FWIW I respect that but disagree.


Brian G8ADD

In reply to M0KCB:

If an activator does not want to log any calls at all they of course
are entitled to do as they please but therefore i suggest they should
not do a spot, they can spend as long as they like qsoing with
whomever they like but without giving some chaser false hopes of
getting the points with the (*) or perhaps even better they put a
statement on the reflector or somewhere (I do not upload logs) then
the chasers can make an informed decision as if they want spend time
working this station or not.

Interesting indeed. I stopped uploading my logs a while back. Chasers still get their points for working me but I have no selfish aim to gain points for myself. The only thing chasers don’t get is an asterisk - but as has been pointed out elsewhere, this is not a requirement for chasers to gain credit.

This is actually an important feature of the award programme as it engages people doing SOTA-qualifying activations even if they are not currently participating. SOTA relies on the integrity of both activators and chasers to work effectively.

73 Richard G3CWI

In reply to G3CWI:

SOTA relies on the integrity of both
activators and chasers to work effectively.

A big assumption Richard!

One potential downside to “coming out”, as you have by broadcasting that chasers will never get the asterisk, is that those without the above characteristics may be tempted to claim a “QSO” based upon the RBN-derived spots of your activities. They may believe that such duplicity will be undetectable, but I am sure that the award-checking process is robust enough to detect such fraudulent behaviour, and suspect entries can be checked against your station log if required.

73 de Les, G3VQO

In reply to G3VQO:

One potential downside to “coming out”, as you have by broadcasting
that chasers will never get the asterisk, is that those without the
above characteristics may be tempted to claim a “QSO” based upon the
RBN-derived spots of your activities.

Sshhh! My award claim for “Shack Sloth - Worked G3CWI only” is ready to send in.

My sense of achievement is huge!

(only joking… why would anyone want to fake a QSO? What’s the point?)

In reply to G3VQO:

suspect entries can be checked against your station log if required.

Ahh yes. My station log…

On the subject of integrity, my previous comments were just about chasers.

However, if an activator chooses not to upload his log, he is effectively avoiding the “confirm you operated in accordance with SOTA rules” verification required during the upload process. This means that he can console himself that he hasn’t told a lie, therefore all is well. Of course, all isn’t well, and the whole ethos of SOTA is gradually, but irrevocably, undermined.

I must stress that such is NOT the case with Richard G3CWI. Whatever his reasons for not uploading, they are NOT due to breaches of SOTA rules. Of that I am totally confident.

Whatever the actions of a small minority, I am confident that the vast majority of SOTA participants abide by the rules. Long may that continue.

73 de Les, G3VQO

Indeed Les, I don’t suppose Richard would break the rules. Not after all that time and effort he put into writing them!


I do not understand those substantial exact SOTA rules & guidlines, whereas correct contact uploading is such insignificant matter.
So what ?

73 John OE7PHI

In reply to M0JLA:

Then I show my Luddite tendencies by keeping a handwritten paper log in a standard RSGB book…

Hi Rod,

I print out my spreadsheets and file them in a ring binder in plastic wallets - slightly less Luddite, though my family does originate from Arnold near Nottingham and were Framework Knitters. :wink:

I also keep my original paper logs written on the summits. They have been a useful source of reference when I have been contacted by chasers asking whether I have made a mistake when putting my log into the database as their call doesn’t appear there…

73, Gerald G4OIG

P.S. Good idea creating a csv file from the spreadsheet - some manipulation, but no need to type info twice. :slight_smile:

In reply to ALL:

Great thanks to Christophe ON6ZQ. He spend 1h15 to explain and discover where the problems come from ! It was not so easy but finally i found the way to enter all my log in sota database from my own log.
So i will upload all next log for incoming activation.

best regards to all and C U SN ON BAND