Lockdown alternatives

Stockport Old Timers Angling Society?


Could always do Services On The Air during my work journeys, I reckon I could get a dipole up without being disturbed and still keeping my 2m distance.



I’ll be off on another of my “Lockdown alternative” daily exercise walks tomorrow - with my trusty Yaesu FT-70D handheld. Please monitor 145.500MHz FM and give me a shout if you hear me.

As usual, the route is planned to remain within close distance of home, involve only easy terrain (nothing approaching “technical” whatsoever) and on quiet, probably deserted, yet spacious paths, so that social distancing is assured throughout.

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OK Simon @G4TJC - or anyone else - what about this one?

Shutlingslow? But it was a long time since I was there!

Nope. That one would be difficult and unwise to do at present anyway.

Nab Head near Bollington?

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Going a bit off topic here, in that I have been taking a leaf out of your book Tom and repeatedly activating the same summit. Yesterday on the Schöckl brought in a good pile up:

It’s always a good sign when the KX2 automatically rolls back TX output. At the moment, you could probably activate all day, but yesterday the wind was really cold, so I went QRT with stations still coming back to my call. I even had to use my hand-warmer, despite the strong sunshine. Tomorrow I’ll pump the tires up and cycle the short distance to the Hohe Rannach, for which I will actually get 4 points, so diverging slightly from Tom’s philosophy here. Luckily, the restrictions have paid off here in Austria and a timetable has been set for lifting them. I’m not missing that much, there’s a crazy amount of work to do for school, so not a great deal of opportunity to activate left after all that. Hang on in there!
73 de OE6FEG

Nab Head. S2754

Bit of deep forensics using GIMP to push the contrast and some edge enhancement meant the flush bracket number was xx7(?)54. Last two digits definitely 54. Then hunt on trigpointing UK for only pillars centred on Macclesfield. Nab head pictures match.

Correct Andy, and detailed tenacious detective work. Which was unnecessary as your MT colleague Simon already posted the correct answer above :smiley:

I was waiting for a prototype car dashboard simulation to boot so I had 30mins of dead time.

Lock-down alternatives? It is too bad I am going on night shift… a friend just made a delivery. This will go good with more JEEP work when I get off shift on Saturday morning.

Vy73 – Mike – KD5KC – El Paso, Texas.


OK so I did a dry run yesterday evening. Wendover Woods G/CE-005 is 5k from my door and 165m of climb. I cycled up to the trig point field in a lung busting 20 minutes and then down back home in 8 minutes (it’s a fast run down Aston Hill).

Therefore if I stick to Michael Gove’s “one hours exercise” guide, a little walk across the field to the trig will give me 20-30 minutes of operating time on a 2m handheld whilst I’m resting or walking on the footpath. I am assuming that setting up a pole etc would be outside the exercise guidelines.

I will alert accordingly when I try it for real unless there is a consensus that this is not exercise!

73 Marc G0AZS


938 deaths from Covid 19 in the UK yesterday. The government telling you to stay indoors and you want to set a radio station up on a hill! Are you serious?

Err no I’m riding my bike (as I do everyday or an hours run) and walking across a field on my own with a handheld. Read the post and the exercise guidelines Mike!

PS …and for the avoidance of doubt, I spend the other 23 hours a day eating, sleeping and working at home as per the guidelines!


Can’t see any problem with that Marc. Probably a good idea to stay on your feet, but operating with a handheld from there, no doubt you will!

I’m envious. Missing SOTA activating badly. I could easily do Gun G/SP-013 or The Cloud G/SP-015 within a one hour exercise window from the parking spots - but both parking spots are 30 minutes drive from the home QTH - so out of order. I have done both of these, plus Shining Tor G/SP-004 on foot from my home QTH - but that would involve being out of the house way longer than acceptable.

So just local non-SOTA walks from my front door for me. Which brings me to today’s quiz: Where am I?

Outrage! No FB visible after all my CSI image twiddling yesterday!

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I chose my photography angle deliberately to thwart the kind of outrageous cheating of which you boasted previously.

Dale Brow?